Linda Taylor
I knew Linda for over 40 years. Wow! I met her on Mountain Drive. Even then she was a super eclectic and an eccentric fun human – and those crazy wonderful traits of hers increased over the years. One thing I loved about her is how she spoke her mind. We attended many seminars together. We all might be sweltering, and yet not willing to interrupt a speaker. Not Linda – she would just get up and open a window, or (loudly) insist someone do it before we all passed out. Being subtle was not Linda. Linda became “Luria Raye” her angel name. Luria Raye was working with essential oils long before many people knew what they were. She made blends and was generous about sharing them and loved to anoint nearly anyone she came in contact with. The biggest impact she had on me was inviting me to an 11:11 gathering in 1992, which subsequently changed the trajectory of my life. She had broader boundaries than many of us, and had boundless courage about doing things, no matter what her physical age. She was a queen of hugging. She was ahead of her time in so many ways, that I feel it sometimes made it difficult for her to be in this realm of existence. We know she is flying with the angels now, and we are ever so curious as to what magic she is up to now!
An afternoon Memorial will be held Sunday, March 31,1:00 PM at Ayni Gallery, 216 State St. All friends and loved ones of Linda’s are most welcomed to join in remembering her and celebrating the freedom of her passage.