Citizen’s Alert
Thu., Apr. 20 Community Visioning Workshop:
Discuss housing, transportation, and land use issues for upper
State Street. 6:30-8pm. Grace Lutheran Church, 3869 State St. RSVP
Sat., Apr. 22 Earth Day Festival: To
participate in the green car show, email
10am-5:30pm. S.B. County Courthouse Sunken Gardens. Peace Is Every
Step: S.B. weekly march for peace. 11:15am. Meet at Vera Cruz Park.
Call 685-8822.
Sun., Apr. 23 Keep It Together: The Coalition
Against the County Split hosts a community BBQ with music and local
art. 11am-2:30pm. The Hibbits’s Walnut Ranch, Hwy. 246, 1 mile east
of Lompoc. $18. RSVP 736-7614. Harness the Sun: Midland School
presents its annual solar workshop, with John Perlin. 2-4pm. 5100
Figueroa Mountain Rd., Los Olivos. RSVP 688-5114. Democratic
Headquarters Open House: Democratic Service Club presents Secretary
of State candidate Debra Bowen. 2-4pm. 402 E. Gutierrez St. RSVP
Mon., Apr. 24 Get to Know ’Em: The Citizens
Planning Foundation and League of Women Voters host a 2nd District
Supervisor Candidates Forum. 7-9pm. Goleta Valley Community Center
auditorium, 5679 Hollister Ave. Call 966-3979.
Tue., Apr. 25 10 Percent Tuesday: Dine at
Aldo’s Restaurant (1031 State St.) and 10 percent of the proceeds
will go to the S.B. Rape Crisis Center. Call 564-3696. Earth Day
Film Series: Presents Nobelity, in which Nobel laureates consider
the future of the planet. 7pm. Unitarian Society, 1535 State St. $5
donation. Call 963-0583 x104.
Ongoing Every Vote Counts: The Democratic
Service Club, in partnership with Health Care for All, begins its
2006 Voter Registration and Community Outreach Program on April 23.
To volunteer, email Sally Hearon at