Citizen’s Alert
Thu., June 1 Grant the Night Away: The Fund for
Santa Barbara holds its spring grant awards party. 5-7pm.
Restaurant Nu, 1129 State St. RSVP 962-9164.
Sat., June 3 Get Out the Vote: Volunteers
needed for voter outreach. 8:30am-12:30pm. Farmers Market, corner
of Santa Barbara and Cota sts. Email
Human Rights Festival: S.B. Amnesty International, RAWA, and
UCSB groups present info booths, discussions, and music. RAWA needs
volunteers to sell crafts; email Noon-7pm. Alameda Park.
Call 569 5815.
The New Okies: The News-Press holds a panel discussion with
former migrant laborers. 3-5pm. Planning Commission hearing room,
County Administration Building, 105 E. Anapamu St. Call
Sun., June 4 Banana – not
County – Split: Coalition Against the County Split hosts an ice
cream social and candidates’ fair. 2-4pm. Casa Grande Mobile Home
Park, 519 W. Taylor St., Santa Maria. Call 736-1897 or
Caught in the Crossfire: Independent journalists Dahr Jamail and
Mark Manning discuss the realities of the Iraq war and show a film
about Fallujah. 3pm. Unitarian Society, 1535 Santa Barbara St.
Girls Inc.: Presents The Rhythmic Arts Project’s fourth annual
benefit. 1-6pm. 5315 Foothill Rd., Carpinteria. Call 684-6364.
Wed., June 7 Jump Start: The nonprofit Small
Business Entrepreneurial Center offers a free monthly educational
workshop. 6-7pm. Eastside Library, 1100 E. Montecito St. RSVP
Thu., June 8 HopeDance Films: Presents Aaron
Russo’s America: From Freedom to Fascism. 7pm. S.B. Library,
Faulkner Gallery. Call 968-1965.
Ongoing Happy Trails: Los Padres Forest
Association hosts its last working vacation of the season Fri.,
June 9 – Sat., June 11. Work on and enjoy some beautiful
backcountry areas. Email for details.