Protect Your Pets
Although Halloween is a good time for humans, it’s not always so
pleasant for our four-legged friends. The following are some tips
about how to ensure the safety of your pets this trick-or-treat
• Keep pets inside. The constant intrusion of costumed
trick-or-treaters can be very stressful and disruptive to your
pet’s routine. Keep them away from the activity, especially from
the door where they might slip out unnoticed. Black cat owners be
particularly cautious; the mythology about them leads some people
to do strange and harmful things to the chat noir.
• Don’t share your treats with your animals. Refined sugar is
bad for their diet, and chocolate can be poisonous to dogs. Be sure
to store the goodies in a place where your pet can’t reach them.
For more information, call the Santa Barbara Humane Society,