Summer Camp Guide, 2007:
The Arts
77th Annual Children’s Fiesta Parade
Takes place Sat., Aug. 4, 2007. Applications available in mid May. Contact the Children’s Parade Headquarters at 8971982 to be put on the mailing list or stop by the Cabrillo Pavilion Arts Center, 1118 E. Cabrillo Blvd., 9am-5pm, Mon.-Fri. Application deadline is Fri., July 6. No cost.
Adderley School for the Performing Arts
Renowned L.A. acting coach Janet Adderley continues her outstanding Vocal Workshops and Musical Theatre programs offered Spring and Summer 2007. Summer Camps are 3-week sessions, culminating with abridged versions of Broadway musicals. Give your child a gift that will fortify them for a lifetime. 319-B Anacapa St., 899-3680.

Arts at Laguna
Now in its 21st year, this camp wows kids ages 5-12 with daily workshops in dance, music, theater, art; all-star faculty; weekly musical revue for family and friends. Located at Laguna Blanca School. Four one-week sessions, Mon.-Fri., June 25-July 20, 8:30am-2:30pm. Extended care available. $245 includes lunch, snacks, and T-shirt. Call 687-2461.
Art off the Wall: Sculpture and Beyond
Bring out your creativity and take it into the open in this S.B. Museum of Art ArtVenture Camp. Create fun statues, wear your own designs, put on your fantastic mask to slip into an exciting new character. Includes visit to S.B. Museum of Art. Ages 6-12. July 2-6 (no camp July 4; $225), Aug. 6-10 ($250), Mon.-Fri., 9am-3pm. SBMA members, 15% discount, scholarships available. Contact 962-1661,,
ARTS ALIVE! Summer Creativity Camps
Explore ceramics, sculpture, painting, drawing, fabrics, music, jewelry, dance, and drama. Each week ends with a performance and art show. Ages 5-13. Weekly camps run June 25-Aug. 31, Mon.-Fri., 9am-3:15pm, $275/week. After-care available until 5:30pm for fee. Evening, weekend classes also available for all ages. 1 N. Calle Cesar Ch¡vez, Suite 100. Contact 963-2278,
Ballet Camp
This week-long camp will focus on ballet fundamentals and excerpts from Swan Lake and Sleeping Beauty, taught by Susan Manchak. Ages 3-6. Aug. 6-10, Mon.-Fri., 1-3pm. $120/$100 RDC.* Register at or at 620 Laguna St. Call 451-2304 or 897-2519.
Beginning Acting
Students learn vocal range, proper breathing technique, how to use voice as instrument. Movement classes: characterization, neutrality, action, using the body as instrument. Stage direction, etiquette, professionalism. Role-play, improvise, learn mime through theater games/activities. No memorization. For ages 6-12. Beginning May 8, Tuesdays, 3:30-4:30pm; or beginning May 12, Saturdays, noon-1pm. To register: 564-5418,, 620 Laguna St.
Beginning Flamenco Dance
Introduction to art of flamenco focusing on technique, style. Experience flamenco using the rhythm of rumba as the basic foundation. Instructor Antoinette Lopez has taught flamenco for more than 30 years, is executive/artistic director of FlamencOle Dance Theater. Mondays, May 21-June 18, June 25-July 23, Sept. 17-Oct. 22, 3:30-4:30pm. Drop-in fee: $15/$12 RDC. Classes held at Carrillo Recreation Center. To register: 564-5418,, 620 Laguna St.
Blue Verandah Art Camps, Ojai
Artistic exploration in an idyllic studio setting in the east end of Ojai; morning and afternoon art sessions, swimming, and more. Fun, all-day comprehensive program aimed at developing artistic skills while producing artworks of creativity and inspiration. Class size limited. Summer I: June 18-25, ages 14-18; Summer II: August 5-11, ages 11-14. Contact 640-1162,
BOXTALES Theatre Training
Train with members of BOXTALES and guest instructor James Donlon in a three-week intensive including training in acting, movement, masks, storytelling, music, and collaboration. High school students only. June 25-July 13; Mon.-Thu., 9am-3:30pm; Fri., 9am-12:30pm. Marjorie Luke Theatre, SBJHS, 721 E. Cota St. $500. For info, contact Kaia Rose, 636-2015.
Music and theater camp for those entering grades 6-12. Instruction in acting, singing, choreography, set design, and lighting, culminating in a stage production. Sponsored by Westmont’s Gaede Institute for the Liberal Arts. One two-week session, July 30-Aug. 10, 9am-3:30pm daily. $390. Scholarships available. Contact 565-7247,,
Brooks 5@9
Popular workshop for high school students interested in photography. Students go on assignment and take pictures, shoot in the studio with studio lighting, work inside the digital lab. Advanced workshop is available for students with two years’ experience. June 25-29, Mon.-Fri., 9am-5pm. $675, includes lunch. Located on Brooks Institute’s Santa Barbara campus. Contact 879-8688,
Camp Kono
Summer fun at Camp Kono with adventures in music, art, dance, and games. Highlights include children’s musical and dance revue, art exhibit, surprise guest performers. The Camp Kono team is directed by Konrad Kono and Kristin Schmidt, and all camp counselors are credentialed teachers. June 25-29; July 2-6, 9-13; 9am-2:30pm, Monte Vista School. Register online at
Ceramics Clay Animals Workshop
Children will create variety of animals/creatures and their respective environments using different hand-building techniques. Small classes; personal attention guaranteed by experienced ceramicist Catherine Vallance. Ages 7-14. May 7-11, June 4-8, Mon.-Fri., 3:30-5pm. $125/$105 RDC. The Chase Palm Park Craft Center, 234 E. Cabrillo Blvd. One-week pre-registration required: call 897-1982 to check class status. Register at, 620 Laguna St.
Ceramics Parent & Child Workshops
Share creative time with your children at the Craft Center, 234 E. Cabrillo Blvd. Make a collaborative project or express your individuality in hand-building workshop. Ages 3 and up. Wednesdays: May 2, 23, June 13, 20, Aug. 29; 10-11:30am. $37/$31 RDC. Fee for one parent and child; additional children $12. One-week pre-registration preferred. Call 8971982 to check class status. Register at, 620 Laguna St.
Children’s Ballet
With instructor Susan Manchak, for ages 3-6, Fri., 3:30-4:30pm. For ages 6-10, with instructor Susan Manchak, Fri., 4:30-5:30pm. Classes are ongoing. Register at, at 620 Laguna St., or sign up at the first class (open until filled). Drop-in fee $12/$10 RDC. Call 564-5418, 451-2304.
Children’s Creative Dance
With instructor Marilee Krause, for ages 3-5, Thu., 3-3:40pm. For ages 5-7, with instructor Marilee Krause, Thu., 3:45-4:30pm. Year-round classes begin Apr. 12. Register at, at 620 Laguna St., or sign up at the first class (open until filled). Drop-in fee $12/$10 RDC. Contact 564-5418, 9634585,
Clay Time Together
Family (and friends) share creative time making collaborative and/or individual pieces in personalized hand-building workshops. No experience required; wear comfortable clothing. Saturdays: May 19, June 16, July 21, Aug. 18; 1-3pm. $25/$21 RDC. Chase Palm Park Craft Center, 234 E. Cabrillo Blvd. Small classes; personal attention guaranteed. One-week pre-registration preferred. Call 8971982 to check class status. Register at, 620 Laguna St.
Cooking for the Whole Family
June 19, July 31: (a) Pasta making; (b) Breads, Jams, Spreads. June 20, Aug. 1: (a) Tortillas and More; (b) Dessert, Anyone? June 21, Aug. 7: (a) Pick and Serve; (b) Pick and Serve, Continued. June 26, Aug. 8: (a) Easy Sushi; (b) Pizza, Anyone? June 27, Aug. 9: (a) Summer Picnic; (b) Authentic, Easy Mexican. Ages 7 and up. $40/session; $35/session for 3 or more. Call Ilise Garvin, 6886471 x619,
Creative Arts Camp at La Zoca
Art explorations with a variety of media, sketch in nature, collage, and more. Ages 3-5 and 6-12. Five weekly sessions, from June 18-July 20, 9am-noon daily. At La Zoca studio #7 in El Zoco artists’ lofts, 211 W. Gutierrez St. Contact Marilee Krause at 963-4585.
Dance Camp at GVCC
Daily ballet classes, musical theater, costuming, knitting, variations, dance history, choreography, and more. Various age groups and levels. Ages 7-18. July 2- Aug. 3, Mon.-Fri., 9am-1pm or 9am-2:30pm. Performance Aug. 3 of Snow White & Seven Dwarfs. For dates and costs, contact Lisa, 683-0871.
Dance Unlimited: Fairytale Camp of the Arts
Theme is “Cinderella.” Dance, acting, set-making for ages 4-12. Dance instruction for all levels includes ballet, tap, jazz, hiphop, and choreography for our camp production of Cinderella, all in a safe, fun, nurturing environment. July 2-Aug. 3, Mon.-Fri., 9am-2pm. Sign up by the week or for all five weeks. Call 681-0684 for info.
Dance with Pizzazz Fiesta Dance Camp and Performances
Dance with Pizzazz will bless your heart. Fiesta dance camp and Fiesta performances at MacKenzie Park, parade, other venues. Performing optional. Salsa, cha-cha, singing. July 23-Aug. 4, includes coaching during showtime. Ages 5-9. $300/2 weeks. Call Gayley, 259-7614, for location in S.B., brochure. Year-long classes held Sat. afternoons starting Apr. 28: jazz, tap, performing, singing, acting, disco.
Elings Park Summer Camps
Come Play! at Elings Park with sports, theater, and nature camps for kids ages 5-12. Baseball, soccer, and sports camps teach fundamentals in a fun setting. Special camps prepare kids for Elings Park festivals, like the Bike Festival on June 2. Register online by April 25.
DaVinci Camp! Invent, Draw, Build
Unveil the secrets of this Renaissance master as you explore the connections between art and science. Mix colors, study perspective, draw what you see, invent imaginative machines in this SBMA ArtVenture Camp. Includes a visit to the Santa Barbara Museum of Art. Ages 6-12. June 25-29, July 30-Aug. 3, Mon.-Fri., 9am-3pm. $250. SBMA members, 15% discount; scholarships available. Contact 962-1661,,
Earthlight Pictures Moviemaking Training
World-leading program in animation moviemaking for youth at all levels, with technical instruction, history, one-on-one coaching in production of students’ movies, and a visit to DreamWorks Animation Studio. Private instruction/teletraining available. Ages 9-adult. July 23-Aug. 3, Mon.-Fri. (call for times). The Anacapa School. $475. Contact (503) 697-7914,,
Ellen Schipper Classical Ballet Studio/Performing
Pre-Professional Company West Coast Ballet
Classical ballet, character dance, contemporary dance. Ages 312-adult. Child to supervisor ratio 7:1. $45 and up. Mon.-Sat., year round. 2259 Las Positas Rd. Contact 687-6086,,
Endless Summer: A Vacation in Painting
Go on a journey with your sketchbook. Capture your impressions of the summer, the park, the beach, and all creatures of the ocean in quirky drawings and colorful paintings in this SBMA ArtVenture Camp. Includes a visit to the Santa Barbara Museum of Art. Ages 6-12. June 18-22, July 23-27, Mon.-Fri., 9am-3pm. $250 SBMA members, 15% discount; scholarships available. Contact 962-1661,,
Extempore Summer Music Camp
Under nationally known media artist and composer Anne Deane Berman, PhD, experienced musicians will create their own works of digital music and pursue creative improvisation, composition for acoustic instruments on the computer. Weekday classes, afternoon/weekend swimming, athletic activities, visits to Santa Barbara. Ages 11-18. Campers reside in the Dunn School dorms. June 30-July 13. Call Ilise Garvin, 688-6471 x619,
Fiesta Feather Fridays for Babies & Toddlers
Ages 1-3 and older siblings. Fridays, July 13-Aug. 3, 9:30-10:30am and 10:30-11:30am, plus participation in Children’s Fiesta Parade Aug. 4. $60/$50 RDC plus $25 materials fee. To register, contact 5645418,,
620 Laguna St.
Gustafson Dance Camp
Gustafson Dance offers a variety of summer programs including Dance Camp for ages 6-12, Mini Dance Camp for ages 3-8, and a Junior Intensive (a serious ballet program) for ages 9-14. All programs culminate in a performance. The Dance Camps offer ballet, tap, jazz, drama, art, and the full theater experience. For more information, call 965-6690.
Intermediate Acting
For ages 10-17. Refine vocal and movement skills using clarity, enunciation, tempo, timing. Memorized scenes and monologues are worked at length, with critique, suggestion. Script analysis, use of objective, subtext, intention. Beginning May 8, Tuesdays, 4:30-5:30pm; or beginning May 12, Saturdays, 11:30am-12:30pm. $180/$150 RDC. Register at 564-5418,, 620 Laguna St.
Introduction to Computer Musicianship
This program nurtures young music students in the art of composing music on and for a computer, and combining computer-generated music with their instruments. Students learn to use state-of-the-art computers, high-quality recording equipment, and current computer software programs that manipulate and transform sound. June 13-30, July 14-31, 1-4pm. $175. Call Ilise Garvin, 688-6471×619,
Jensen’s Summer Guitar RockCamp
Jensen Music is offering full-day, week-long summer Guitar RockCamps. Kids learn to play electric guitar, perform on Jensen MainStage (parents, relatives, friends are invited), get a free electric guitar! Sessions limited to 15 students; fill fast. $350. When kids study music, they get better grades and have better social skills. Give your kids an edge in life. Contact Michele, 687-4027,
Key Note Camp
Pianists need not be solitary musicians! Key Note Camp brings pianists ages 8-14 together for camaraderie, duets, ensembles, jazz improve with John Douglas, organ and harpsichord with Michael Eglin, games, showcase, and much more. Skill level prerequisite. Flyers at S.B. Sheet Music and S.B. Music. July 30-Aug. 10, 6:30-8:30pm. Contact
Come color your summer at KidzArt Summer Camp. Campers create original drawings, three-dimensional sculptures, paintings, and multi-media projects using illustration markers, oil and soft pastels, acrylics, watercolor, charcoals, and clay. Different weeks of curriculum. Ages 5-12. Supervisor/child ratio 1:8. $225/week; multi-week discount. June 25-Aug. 17, 9am-3pm. Foothill Elementary, Marymount of Santa Barbara, Westmont Think Camp. Contact 964-6435,,
Kindermusik Adventures Camp
Taught by licensed Kindermusik Teachers, theme-based music curriculum integrated with storytelling, instrument exploration, movement, games. Develop an early awareness of rhythm, beat, drumming, movement, singing, drama; explored through multi-instrument, multi-cultural elements. Week-long, half-day camps, ages 3-5 and 5-7. July 16-Aug. 17 in S.B. and Carpinteria. Year-round music and movement classes, ages 3 months to 8 years. Join anytime. Contact 884-4009,
La Cumbre Theatre Summer Performance Workshop
La Cumbre Theatre Actors’ Conservatory presents a Summer Performance Workshop. Professional faculty includes Ann Dusenberry, Rich Hoag, Toni Miratti, Jennifer Shepard, and Lisa Gates. Voice, movement, stage, combat, original scene work, and improvisation for ages 12-17. July 2-13, 9am-3pm. Performance July 14. Auditions held Apr. 29. $450, scholarships available. Call 687-0761 for appointment.
Lobero Circus Camp
Join 9th annual Lobero Circus Camp directed by Michael Andrews. Clowning, juggling, mime, acrobatics, acting, art, movement, aerial silks, music, and more. Performance under the 60-foot Big Top Tent on Aug. 10. Scholarship applications available upon request. Ages 8-12. July 23-Aug. 10; Mon.-Thu., 9am-3:30pm; Fri., 9am-12:30pm. Bishop Garcia Diego High School. Call Holly, 966-4946 x613.
Made in Santa Barbara: Art and Architecture
Meet local artists, designers, and architects as you find out more about hip shoes, colorful paintings, sharp surfboards, fun clothes, and unusual buildings made in Santa Barbara in this SBMA ArtVenture Camp. Includes visit to the Santa Barbara Museum of Art. Ages 6-12. July 16-20, Aug. 20-24, Mon.-Fri., 9am-3pm. $250 SBMA members, 15% discount; scholarships available. Contact 962-1661,,
Master Artist Series
For ages 7-10. Create original artwork based on design techniques/elements used by a master artist. Each class focuses on a different artist, includes study of art aesthetics, history, production, criticism. Children will feel inspired, confident. Nurturing, cooperative environment. Instructor Serene Campbell has four years elementary teaching experience. Thursdays, May 3-24, 3:30-5pm. $60/$50 RDC. Register: 564-5418,, 620 Laguna St.
Musicianship and Performance
Students use the materials they study to create improvisatory works and original compositions. Exposure to a wide range of musical materials: intervals, scales, modes, triads, seventh chords; introduction to music literature from classical to hip-hop; instruction on instruments. Learn to write, notate, perform acoustic music. Each camper will complete one compositional. Ages 11-18. June 13-30, July 14-31, 9am-noon. Call Ilise Garvin, 688-6471 x619,
Sandcastle Music Together
Nurture your child’s musical growth, regardless of your own musical ability. Experience Music Together and discover how important-and fun-your role can be. Classes build on your child’s natural enthusiasm and help you provide your child with the basic skills needed to enjoy musical activities or study an instrument. Birth-4 years. Contact 964-3940,
Santa Barbara Art Camp
Young artists will explore mixed media arts and crafts. Watercolor, pencil, pastels, paper craft, and more. Accomplished art instructors are CPR certified. Supervisor child ratio 1:9. Camp runs June 18-Aug. 31, Mon.-Fri, 9am-3pm. Ages 6-14. $275 per weekly session. Located at Goleta Valley Community Center; or 968-7167.
Santa Barbara Ballet Center
“Build a Ballet” summer camp for students interested in performance. Focused on preparation, performance of one-act ballet called Fairy Tale Dreams. No experience required; parts available for all levels. Ages 7 and up. July 2-27 (no class July 4), Mon.-Fri., 8:30am-noon. S.B. Ballet Center, 1019B Chapala. Performance July 27, 7pm, Center Stage Theater. Register by June 1. Call 966-0711.
Santa Barbara Dance Center
Dance, etiquette, respect, self-confidence, body awareness taught by experienced instructors Derrick and Trudie Curtis. Ages 8-12. Ballroom Dance Camp, Session 1: July 18-29; swing, fox trot. Session 2: July 9-20; rumba, tango. Session 3: July 23-Aug. 3; cha-cha, waltz. Mon.-Fri., 3-5pm. $250. Contact 450-2069,,, 9 & 11 West Ortega St.
S.B. Jazz Dance Academy Destination
Dance Summer Camp
Learn the latest moves and proper technique. Daily classes in jazz, hip-hop, Broadway, plus special classes in tap, tumbling, Pilates, African, breakdancing, and more. Weekly performances, drop-ins, Ages 5-teen, all levels. Mon-Fri., June 18-Aug. 24, morning, afternoon, or 9am-5pm. Arts Alive! 1 N. Calle Cesar Ch¡vez #100. Contact 9665299,,
SBMA Ceramics Camps
Week-long, half-day camps introduce sculptural and functional ceramics; include hand-building, wheel-throwing, finishing, glazing techniques. Class size limited to 10. Ages 6-7: June 25-29, July 23-27. Ages 7-9: June 18-22, Aug. 6-10. Ages 8-10: July 2-6, July 30-Aug. 3. Ages 10-12: July 9-13, Aug. 20-24. Ages 11-14: July 16-20, Aug. 13-17. Mon.-Fri., noon-3pm. $220 SBMA members, 15% discount. Contact 962-1661.,
SBMA Creative Clay Play
Parents and children learn together as they explore imaginative clay play, which encourages manual dexterity and creative thinking. Class size limited to 8 parent-child pairs. Session 1: June 20-July 19 (no class July 4), $135. Session 2: July 25-Aug. 22, $160. SBMA members, 15% discount. Contact 962-1661,,
Santa Barbara Summer Stock Youth Theater
Wildly creative performances in theater, music, dance. Senior Program: Dracula: Ages 13-17. Program focuses on physical, vocal, improvisation, and world theater technique. July 2-Aug. 5, Mon.-Fri., 3:30-8:30pm. Performances: Aug. 2-5, Center Stage Theater. $625. Junior Program: Lion King and Shrek: Ages 7-12, June 25-July 22, Mon.-Thur., 9am-1:30pm. Performances July 20-22. $525. Contact Leslie Frasier, 698-1250,
Sensational Art! See, Feel, and Paint
Can you draw music? Can you feel colors? Can you hear shapes? Experience the world with all five senses turned on, and create sensational drawings, paintings, collages, and sculptures in this SBMA ArtVenture Camp. Includes a visit to the Santa Barbara Museum of Art. Ages 6-12. July 9-13, Aug. 13-17, Mon.-Fri., 9am-3pm. $250 SBMA members, 15% discount; scholarships available. Contact 962-1661,,
Sewing Classes
Ages 6 and older. Learn how to sew fast; sew pajama pants, doll clothes, jazzy handbags, a doggy bed, and more! By appointment. Call 883-1918.
ShowStoppers Summer Theatre
Each session is a show with costumes, sets, lights, and sound. Seussical, Jr.: Ages 7-14, June 25-July 6, Mon.-Fri., 10am-4pm. Show Sat., July 7. The Hot Mikado: Ages 13-18, July 2-28, afternoon rehearsals, Mon.-Fri. Shows July 25, 26, 27, 28. Contact 682-6043,
Spanish Guitar with Robert Boyd
Ages 12 and up. Learn to play, explore passionate rhythms of Spain. Students taught Sevillanas (Spanish/Flamenco dance); emphasis on written rhythms, Spanish cadence, melodic structure, right-hand technique. Play for a flamenco dancer. All levels. Must bring own guitar (nylon string preferred). Instructor Robert Boyd, concert Flamenco guitarist/composer. Beginning May 7, Mondays, 7-8:30pm. $95/$80 RDC. Contact 564-5418,, 620 Laguna St.
Stage Left Productions
Intensive training for young performing artists taught by Shana Lynch Arthurs and Steven Lovelace. Audition technique, physical comedy, characterization, vocal technique, dance, set and costume design/construction. Technical track available. Four performances of Seussical The Musical. Ages 10-16. June 25-July 23, Mon.-Fri., 1-6:15pm. $600. Goleta Valley Jr. High. Contact 965-0880,
Storytelling in Video and Film
Learn to write, shoot, and edit video and film using Sony VX-2100 cameras and Final Cut Pro HD. Students will storyboard, shoot, edit, and create a five-minute short DVD. High school students, $675/week; college students, $875/week. Lunch included. Mon.-Fri., June 25-29, 9am-5pm. Brooks Institute’s Ventura campus. Contact 879-8688,
Summer Art from the Heart
All sessions Mon.-Thu., 9:15am-12:15pm, additional materials fee. Princess and Fairies: Ages 4-7, June 25-28 ($135/$110 RDC). Dance Your Heart Out: Ages 5-8, July 9-19 ($264/$220 RDC). Fiesta Feather Fun: Ages 4-7, July 23-Aug. 2, plus participation in Children’s Fiesta Parade Aug. 4 ($264/$220 RDC). Oceans & Dolphins: Ages 4-7, Aug. 13-23 ($264/$220 RDC). Contact 564-5418,, 620 Laguna St.
Summer Clay Camps
These workshops emphasize throwing techniques. Flexible curriculum includes Throwing on the Wheel, Tile Making, Clay & Culture, Contemporary Clay. Ages 7-14. One-week sessions, June 25-Aug. 24, Mon.-Fri., 9am-noon or 12:30-3:30pm. Chase Palm Park Crafts Center, 234 E. Cabrillo Blvd. $188/$158 RDC. Contact 897-1982,
Summer Fun with Dancing Drum
Learn to play drums, make percussion instruments, and create your own mask projects! Positive and inclusive atmosphere for children ages 5-12 to explore the fascinating world of music and art. Several mini-camps to choose from. Visit Dancing Drum online at, or call 682-8250 for more info.
Throwing on the Potter’s Wheel
Learn basic throwing techniques. Hand-built projects, under-glaze painting techniques, functional and sculptural work included. Ages 7-14: Apr. 16-20, May 14-18, May 21-25. Ages 12-18: Apr. 23-27. All classes Mon.-Fri., 3:30-5pm. $125/$105 RDC. Chase Palm Park Craft Center, 234 E. Cabrillo Blvd. Small classes, personal attention guaranteed. One-week pre-registration preferred. Call 897-1982 to check class status. Register at, 620 Laguna St.
Young Singers Club Performing Arts Camps
Top-quality experience for anyone who likes to sing. Solo and choir singing, drama, choreography, vocal showcase. Mon.-Fri., various age groups (5+, 7+, 9+, 12+, 14+) and themes: Wicked, Annie, Sound of Music, Lion King, Mary Poppins, Wizard of Oz, Disney, Mamma Mia, Charlie Brown, High School Musical. Contact 681-7078,
Youth Acting Program
For ages 6-17. Classes led by experienced instructors Brendan Fleming, Sara Martinovich. Class size limited to 10. Martinovich has taught Children’s Theater in S.B. and Santa Ynez for four years; has acted in Ensemble’s Storybook Theater for five years. Fleming has been acting for 25 years in theater, film, television. Call 569-2852 for info.