Angie’s Palms
A Reader Volunteers Her Hands to Batya

You have heard of Angie’s List? Well, here is my analysis of Angie’s palms, received today in the mail with a check for $30. Thank you very much, Angie.
First off, Angie, I notice that you are wearing many rings on your fingers; at least four. This signals that you are available for numerous lovers, although whomever you have in mind might not know that.
Secondly, your right hand shows an almond-shaped marking between your first and second knuckles on your index finger. This marking indicates a propensity for economic success. So don’t worry, you will be fine in the long run with whatever you are undertaking right now.
This same almond shape appears on your left palm, on the same finger, on the thumb, and on the middle finger. So whatever financial difficulties you currently feel beset by will most definitely iron out eventually, given this bigger picture. You have a lot of talents and reserves to draw upon, even if you feel over-taxed right now.
Next, I see that your life line on your left palm – the one that indicates your potential or what you were brought into this world to deal with – is very intertwined with your mind line. This predicament goes on for quite awhile. You apparently made three serious attempts to get away from your family of origin, but there were bars put up across those attempts. I interpret this to mean that no matter how much you tried to pull away, something in the ambience engineered to stop you.
This continuous process resulted in a related formation in that hand’s markings. If you look at your life line – the line that shoots out straight across your palm and starts between your thumb and your pointer fingers – it does succeed in curving downward. But the pull to get away was such a struggle that another line broke off, a bit further down your mind line, and drops in almost a parallel curvature alongside your life line.
Then, a little bit further, there is yet a third line, which crosses your mind line squarely in the center of your palm. That is your destiny line. You can see that it is slightly uprooted, as this line usually starts at the bottom and shoots up across the palm towards the base of the fingers. The destiny line in your case could be interpreted as that second line that indeed starts a bit further down. What I see is an overall struggle between the three lines. This is why you sometimes might feel that you are not always doing what you should be doing. Similarly, you might think that while you are here in this life, this isn’t your real life, or isn’t how your life should really be. Part of your task in this life is to merge your life into a singular force with your original destiny.
To help you get closer to that accomplishment, which can sometimes feel daunting, notice that a star appears about three quarters of the way down your mind line. The star shows additional energy added to jumpstart your mind. Perhaps it helps to think of it this way: after your adult formative process, you were given a new jolt in the form of a revelation about what it is you were really put on this planet to do. So go for it!
This mind line does droop down, which often marks a tendency towards depression. I see a lot of intuitive skills reading out across your spiritual mound – the raised pad of skin on the left side of that left palm between the wrist and the base of the little finger. I see these marks, or forks, trying to reach out and get across to your rational being; to communicate something that your inner self already sees and knows. Not as many of those marks on the spiritual mound have manifest yet in the right palm, which means that you have messages and insights that are not yet getting through to you.
Relax a bit. You will get there. I hope this helps and please keep me informed! Thanks again for the opportunity to do this.
Batya Weinbaum reads palms through the mail. Send your Xeroxes with a check for $30 and a SASE or your email to 4902 Sandyland Road #140, Carpinteria CA 93013. Or call 215 233 0567 to set up an appointment.