Citizens’ Alert
Thu., July 19
Better Off Knowing: Pacific Pride Foundation offers Santa Barbara residents free HIV testing. 11am-1:30pm. Pacific Pride Foundation, 126 E. Haley St., Ste. A-11. Call 963-3636.
Fri., July 20
Latino Art: The final day of the Continuing the Latino Tradition exhibit, which documents the immigration history of Latinos in the U.S. Channing Peake Gallery, 105 E. Anapamu St. Call 568-3991.
Pelosi Please: Citizens are invited to join Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi at a luncheon at the home of Betty Stevens. 11am-1pm. Call 963-9731.
Green Gathering: Join the Environmental Defense Center for its weekly TGIF celebration, which aims to bring the community together to celebrate the environmental cause. 5:30-7:30pm. Environmental Defense Center, 906 Garden St. Call 963-1622.
Peace Vigil: Carpinteria residents opposed to the United States’ current military efforts are encouraged to demonstrate in protest. 5-6pm. Meet at the corner of Carpinteria and Linden avenues in Carpinteria.
Wed., July 25
Tickled Pink: The Santa Barbara Laughing Club meets to achieve personal well-being through laughter. 8:30am. Hendry’s Beach. Visit
Bridge Banter: Caltrans is sponsoring a meeting for citizens to weigh in on the safety barrier planned for Cold Spring Bridge. 5:30-8:30pm. Faulkner Gallery, Santa Barbara Central Library, 40 E. Anapamu St. Call 549-3237.
Thu., July 26
Grander Garden: The Planning Commission will discuss the planned expansion of Botanic Gardens. 6pm. Planning Commission Hearing Room, 123 E. Anapamu St. Call 568-2030.
Fire 411: The Santa Barbara County Fire Department reminds residents affected by the current fire to call 961-5770 for information. Those needing shelter can call 896-2980.