Ditch the Brown Bags
With the start of another school year upon us, Jennifer Ja Birchim of Loa Tree (loatree.com) offers some suggestions for ways to make your kid’s lunch more eco-friendly. Instead of brown paper bags and Ziplocs, invest in some reusable containers for your child’s lunch. The Laptop Lunch Bento Box is a good choice: made of lead-free plastic, the kit comes complete with single-serving reusable containers and utensils. (To buy, check out laptoplunches.com, greenfeet.com, or reusablebags.com.) But you may have what you need to make your child’s lunchbox greener already: Yogurt and hummus containers can easily be washed out and reused. Also, buying snacks in bulk, rather than those that are individually packaged, greatly reduces waste. And, if your children get their lunch at school, taking along their own cloth napkin and utensils can cut down on unnecessary waste. Let your kids know it’s their responsibility to bring home their containers and napkins each day, and reward them at the start of next school year with a new lunchbox. Who knows? They may even start a trend.