Lookout Park
A picnic, beach walk and fantastic sunset - a bundle not to be missed

Distance-2 miles from Lookout Park to Eucalyptus Lane (near the Miramar); 3 miles from Lookout Park to the Biltmore and Butterfly Beach; 1 mile east to Loon Point
Topo– Carpinteria & Santa Barbara
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From State Street, follow Highway 101 east for 5.5 miles to the Summerland off ramp. At the bottom of the turnoff, bear right across the railroad tracks and directly into the park.
Be very careful crossing the railroad tracks when entering and exiting the park. Please be respectful of private property rights.
Lookout Park is tucked neatly along the Summerland cliffs, with picnic tables, barbecues, as well as playground equipment for the kids. There is an asphalt walkway leading directly down to the beach, with wide expanses of sand in either direction for walking, playing in the surf, or relaxing. At lower tides, the 3 mile walk to the Biltmore is delightful.
From the parking area to the ramp leading down to the beach is just a few yards, but as you reach the top of the path down you will discover why this is such an attractive place to come: in front of you is a spectacular vista, a mile of wide beachfront, plenty long enough for a good walk to Loon Point and lots of space to set out towels and beach gear and still feel like you are by yourself.
My favorite walk here, though, is to the west. This part of the beach is at first hidden from view as you walk down the ramp. Turning right you will spot a few hundred yards of sandy beach that seem to disappear at a point where the sea wall meets the ocean. Come at a lower tide when you can get by the point and you will be well rewarded. The sea wall stretches for a quarter mile then eases back away from the edge of the water and from there on the walking is easy. It is a mile from the park to a small cove where you will find a series of quaint beachfront houses, some of them very romantic looking.
Continuing around the point leads on to more houses and Eucalyptus Lane and eventually Butterfly Beach and the Biltmore Hotel. We often leave a shuttle car there so we can make this a one-way excursion. This makes a fabulous afternoon walk.