College $$$
The come-on for the Cash for College workshops taking place in February is that those who attend one can enter the drawing for a $1,000 Cal-SOAP scholarship. The real payoff is that high schoolers will find out how to fund a college education. Despite the downward economic spiral, said Blia Yang, director of the Santa Barbara Cal-SOAP consortium, there is “still so much aid out there-federal, state, and private-regardless of income or background.” Choose the session at Santa Barbara High School on February 17, Carpinteria High School on February 23, or La Casa de La Raza on February 26. All are from 6-8 p.m., with optional follow-up appointments available. Bring friends and family because the more people who attend, the greater the number of G-notes that will be awarded. For more information, go to or call 963-6417.