Highway 101 Construction Update for June 22-26
Motorists Warned of Closures, Delays, and Detours
Construction on the Milpas-to-Hot Springs Highway 101 widening project will continue this week. Milpas Street will be closed under Highway 101 as needed Monday, June 22, through Thursday, June 25, between the hours of 9 p.m. and 5 a.m. as crews work to widen the bridge over the street. Mason, Quarantina, and Cacique streets will be used as detours during closures. Additionally, drivers should expect short-term delays during the same period due to lane closures northbound between Cabrillo Boulevard and Salinas Street, and southbound between Cabrillo Boulevard and Olive Mill Road.
The northbound Highway 101 on-ramp at Cabrillo Boulevard remains closed, and the northbound off-ramp at Milpas will be closed starting Monday June 29. During the day, there will continue to be two lanes open in both directions on Highway 101.