Of Torts, Tarts, and Culinary Arts
Taste for Justice Raises Funds for Legal Aid Foundation of Santa Maria
Sure, justice is blind, but that doesn’t mean it has had its taste buds removed, too. Just ask the Legal Aid Foundation of Santa Maria, as it is presenting the 6th Annual Taste for Justice on Saturday, March 6, from 1-5 p.m. at the Orcutt Brew Company (315 S. Broadway St., Orcutt; 963-6754 x109). The event is doubly good, as you get to sample fine food, wine, and brews from the likes of the host of the event, plus Core Wine Company, Costa de Oro Winery, Westerly Vineyards, Trattoria Uliveto, Central City Market, and more (that’s the taste part), plus you get to watch a culinary throw-down. Acclaimed Chef Bradley Ogden of Root 246 will judge the 2nd Annual Gourmet Gavel Awards. Student chefs from the Hancock College Culinary Arts Program will duke it out with students from other colleges to see whose cuisine shall reign supreme (that phrase isn’t copyrighted, is it?). The fundraiser benefits Legal Aid Foundation’s Santa Maria office that provides free civil legal services to low-income individuals, victims of domestic violence, and elders. Tickets are $45 in advance, or $50 at the door, and can be bought online at lafsbc.org/events.