Full-Time Poor
I’m writing to the paper because I feel I’ve exhausted all other possibilities. I have worked for the Santa Barbara School District for the past 10 years. Last year, medical insurance cost was $102.67. “August 13, we received notice of open enrollment for coverage for the 2010-1011 school year. The same plan I snow $234.08.
Certified and classified employees pay the same for insurance benefits. I feel that amounts should be based on salary. I don’t feel we should pay the same amount as, say, Superintendent Brian Sarvis when some of us net $1,200 a month or less.
We haven’t had a cost of living increase for at least three years. We are struggling to make ends meet as it is.
Because Cottage Hospital is the only game in town (no competition) the rates are outrageous. A similar plan would cost me $89.54 in Ventura (Kaiser).
In order to waive coverage we must show proof that we have coverage elsewhere.
To be eligible for Medi-Cal, you have to be 21 or under, or over 65, or disabled.
There are many insurance sites on the Internet. They all claimed they will give you a quote in a few minutes. Not true. I tried several sites. When I picked one it took over two hours to fill out the application; then I was turned down.
How does it happen in the United Stated of America that a person working full time can’t afford medical insurance?