Monday Early Morning Commute Impacted by Sandstone Delivery
Fountain Replacement for Courthouse Begins with Huge Delivery
Monday, November 29 beginning at 5am the 1100 block of Anacapa Street–between Anapamu and Figueroa Streets will be impacted with large truck and crane activities. Anacapa Street will be reduced to a single south-bound traffic lane as Specialty Crane, Marborg Industries and Granite Construction Company all converge on the Santa Barbara Courthouse to deliver materials to be used in the recreation of the historic Spirit of the Ocean Fountain.

Traffic will be impacted with detours and limited turning; bus stops, book drops and street parking will all be temporary closed from 4:30 a.m. to approximately 9 a.m. Please avoid the area if you can–or park in the City Lots #6 or #7 and come watch as history is made.
Morning commuters heavily travel this area of the City. The streets immediately surrounding the Santa Barbara Courthouse will be impacted.
– South bound Anacapa Street: the east traffic and parking lanes will be closed from the entry of the Granada Parking Garage to Figueroa Street.
– Right turn pocket of eastbound Anapamu Street will be closed and detoured through Santa Barbara Street to Victoria Street to Anacapa Street.
– Left turn pocket of west bound Anapamu Street will be closed and detoured through State Street to Figueroa Street and back to Anacapa Street.
– Pedestrian traffic will be detoured to the west side of Anacapa Street.
– Anacapa-Anapamu Intersection control will intermittently stop traffic as may be required as the crane lifts five large sandstone blocks onto the front lawn of the Courthouse.
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– The Courthouse Legacy Foundation was formed in 2004 to take on the challenge of protecting the historic and aesthetic features of the Santa Barbara Courthouse that are quickly deteriorating. The Foundation identified dozens of projects and features in the Courthouse that are either damaged or in desperate need of repair. The County of Santa Barbara, like many local government agencies does not have the funds to do most of the conservation work and so the Foundation has led the fundraising efforts to preserve and protect Santa Barbara’s most notable architectural and historic icon.
– In 2003 the Courthouse was named a State Historic Landmark and in 2005 became a National Historic Landmark. The Santa Barbara Courthouse hosts over 100,000 visitors annually.