Legalize Clotheslines
Although the Board of Supervisors deserve praise for their strong stand regarding the safety of Diablo Nuclear Power Plant, insisting safety studies be completed before relicensing, they need to go farther, demanding an immediate shut down.
It just takes one terrorist attacking Diablo to ruin our life. Noone can really predict how an earthquake will affect Diablo. And how many millions of years do we have to store the radioactive waste?
At the Board meeting, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission spokesmen said we’re learning a lot from the Japan accidents. There’s a lot more to learn, and more accidents will teach us what we need to know.
Why is big government forcing the public to have nuclear power that so many fear? There should be consensus before even considering this power, with all it’ implications for destroying our planet. We are supposed to be a democracy, and yet we’re having nuclear power pushed down our throats despite widespread opposition.
Germany gets 28% of its power from nuclear, and it’s phasing out all nuclear power. California only gets a small percentage from nuclear; we can easily do without this expensive energy. Americans use about twice as much energy as Europeans per person. We are producing much more energy than we need.
One of the easiest ways to save energy and money is to use clotheslines (solar energy), yet many apartment complexes don’t allow them. Please contact your supervisor to correct this situation, which also hurts low-income people.