Concert Courtesy
We are all extremely blessed to have such wonderful venues in our paradise of Santa Barbara. The Granada, Lobero, and Arlington, and The Santa Barbara Bowl are true treasures that attract some wonderful artists. Unfortunately, not all are grateful for this blessing.
I would like to direct this letter to the extremely rude people sitting in the row behind us at the recent Emmylou Harris/Don Henley concert at the bowl. Was it really necessary to talk during the entire concert? Have you no respect for the artists let alone the concert-goers around you who were there to listen and enjoy an evening of wonderful music from those same talented artists?
Why not just sit home and put on a CD and yap until your heart’s content? Why – even after you were asked nicely not once, but twice – did you still insist on disturbing those around you? You were seven rows from the stage. My guess is your tickets cost a pretty penny. Great tickets wasted on people who do not appreciate them or respect the artists by giving them your full attention. Shame on you!
Here is a great suggestion for the folks that run the Bowl. We have to get wrist bands to identify those who have seats in certain sections and wrist bands for those who want to drink alcohol. How about supplying muzzles to be worn by those that can’t keep their traps shut during a concert?
I’m just saying.