Believe It or Not
According to the tea party and assorted Republican talking heads, the economic crisis our country faces today began with President Obama’s inauguration and his allegedly anti-business policies and over-regulation of industry. The Wall Street “job creators,” who have outsourced tens of thousands of jobs while reaping record profits bear no responsibility whatsoever.
To give credence to these unapologetic revisionists, one would have to believe it was President Obama who created the deficit by giving tax breaks to the wealthiest 2% of our citizens in 2001 and 2003, concurred with former V.P. Dick Cheney that “deficits don’t matter”, and spent billions of dollars (off the books) not finding WMD or Osama bin Laden. One would have to believe it was “job-killing” regulations which caused the collapse of the financial industry in 2008, the British Petroleum oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, and the coal mine explosion resulting in the deaths of 29 West Virginians at the Upper Big Branch Mine in April, 2010.
One might also believe Earth is flat, professional wrestling is a real sport, and Fox News is real news.
Such is the price of willful ignorance.