Greetings from Heaven
They're Keeping Busy
In the days before Mascha the cat passed away she said to her mom (person), “You know that women look in the mirror a lot. Well, maybe I can make the light flicker in the mirror.” Meaning that after she died she would try to give a sign that she was around and OK. Her person wrote this to me:
Mascha had assured me she’d let me know she’s okay, and said she might do it in a sunbeam or in the kitchen, but she also made a crack about women looking in the mirror a lot and that she might make a light flicker in the mirror. Well, about a week after she died, I got up for work and did a bit of an unusual thing: I turned on my overhead bedroom light instead of my nightstand light. I literally never do that, ever.
About 30 minutes later, I sat down in my bathroom to dry my hair and the bedroom light turned off. I briefly thought the power had gone off, but the hair dryer was still on and so was the bathroom light. The light turned back on …then off … then on again with no disruption to any other electricity.
I knew at that moment that Mascha was letting me know she was okay.
Buggie the pug dog is in heaven. During a session with me, her person asked what Buggie thinks of the painting she had commissioned for her. Buggie replied,
“Mom, it is beautiful and I want you to know that they did my eyes well. Don’t you think? Mom, it is really wonderful, and I have to tell you, whenever the painter works on an animal the animal helps her. They really do. I helped from heaven.”
After the session, Buggie’s person wrote, “I knew right then and there Buggie was communicating to me, because I have been telling everyone I can feel Buggie looking at me when I stare at her painting.”
Minnie Kins, a female Maltese. died at an early age, when she was almost four years old. She says from heaven,
I went to heaven in a basket. I was being carried in a basket and I had flower petals all over me. This princess-looking woman that looked sort of like mom came to me and said I have just the right spirit to be of help. She said that they’d been having problems with a little girl who died of cancer and was trapped in the worlds below heaven; she would not travel with any angel to heaven.
She said I am just the right spirit. So I went in my basket to the little girl and lay down in front of her, and the little girl held me and hugged me for a long time and then I led her to heaven.
There are times during sessions where I begin to cry. Usually this is due to the intense emotion of the animal running through me. In this session, I was crying. The image of the little girl trapped in the middle worlds was almost devastating to me. The vision of Minnie Kins helping the little girl to heaven was extraordinary. This is a session I will always remember.
It is terribly hard to lose our animals when they are so young. We must remember that there is a greater plan. Minnie Kins had an instant job to do, and so do so many of our animal friends that pass away.