Our Town
Historian Neal Graffy Presents Then & Now

Discover the changing face of our red-tile-roofed town when Santa Barbaran Neal Graffy peels back the layers of the past in his lecture/slide show Then & Now. A longtime area historian, Graffy has been enlightening residents since 1989, when he premiered his first slideshow on Santa Barbara history. Since then, Graffy has shared his knowledge on radio and television programs, including This Old House and Huell Howser’s California Gold. The event is in support of his latest book, Santa Barbara Then & Now, which delves into the architectural changes to the city over time. Graffy speaks on Thursday, January 17 at 7 p.m. at the S.B. Maritime Museum, 113 Harbor Way; admission is $5. For more information and to register, call (805) 962-8404 x115 or visit sbmm.org.