Ojai Raptor Open House
Get Eye-to-Eye with Hawks, Eagles, and Owls
This Sunday, folks have the chance to look eye-to-eye with raptors at the Ojai Raptor Center’s open house. Rarely accessible to the public, the center is home to eagles, hawks, falcons, and owls that have been injured in the wild and need rehabilitation. Specialists will be on hand with 18 “ambassador” raptors to talk about the different birds and give tips on how people can help to reduce man-made hazards to the high-flying wildlife. There will also be snacks, drinks, kids’ activities, and a holiday sale featuring gift items made by area artisans. The event takes place Sunday, November 3, noon-4 p.m., Ojai Raptor Center’s Rehabilitation Center (370 Baldwin Rd., Ojai). A donation of $5 is suggested. For more information, call 649-6884 or visit ojairaptorcenter.org.