Guardrail Repairs Along 101 This Week
As Caltrans continues its repair work along the 101 through the city, a number of lanes and ramps will be closed during daylight hours. On Monday, January 5, the Los Patos Way off-ramp and the number 3 lane of southbound 101 will close from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. for guardrail repairs. Tuesday, January 6, will find similar repairs taking place near the 101 northbound and Salinas Street, as the on-ramp and number 3 lane there will close during the day.
Similar work begins Wednesday, January 7, between State Street and El Sueno Road along northbound 101, closing the number 1 lane. This work will continue through Friday, January 9, and crews will be onsite from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Caltrans, in a press release, requests that motorists slow down and move over to ensure highway workers’ safety.