Bunny Love Zone

“We’ve been open since 1992, and we’ve never put down a rabbit for lack of space or resources,” said Phil Seymour, a retired lawyer who’s been volunteering at BUNS (Bunnies Urgently Needing Shelter) for 23 years. “We are no-kill in every sense of the word.”
Located at the Santa Barbara Humane Society (5473 Overpass Rd.), the all-volunteer organization, which currently houses 52 rabbits and 13 guinea pigs, is the go-to spot for bunny lovers in Santa Barbara County, averaging 10-12 adoptions per month. Those seeking to adopt sweet rabbits like Arwen (pictured being held by Seymour) or Bon Jovi must meet minimum requirements, such as proving there is a safe place at night and a play area during the day.
See bunssb.org or just head over to 5473 Overpass Road to see the shelter yourself.