Ojai Film Festival
Annual Celluloid Extravaganza Takes Place Nov. 3-13

Need some big-screen binge-watching? Head to Ojai for the 17th annual Ojai Film Festival, which runs Thursday, November 3, to Sunday, November 13. The 10-day event features a feast of celluloid offerings in six categories: Narrative Feature, Narrative Short, Documentary Feature, Documentary Short, Animation, and Gold Coast, which is regional fare.
Workshops and Q&As are also part of the festival lineup. Here are just a few examples of what the fest has planned: A live read with the Screenwriter’s Competition winner; a discussion with The Doors drummer John Densmore about the film Robert Bly: A Thousand Years of Joy, to which he contributed; a session called “Ha-Aha! The Painful Relationship Between Humor and Horror”; a panel discussion titled “Actor Do’s and Don’ts”; and a post-screening appearance by Tab Hunter to talk about his autobiographical film Tab Hunter Confidential.
The decades-old Ojai Film Society created the festival in 2000, and by 2002 the event had grown so large that it established itself as its own entity. More than 10 years later, the festival still maintains its original goals of “providing audiences with opportunities to see groundbreaking work that would otherwise be inaccessible” and affording filmmakers the chance to have their work seen by all manner of folks, including film-industry professionals.
For the complete schedule of films and events, see ojaifilmfestival.com.