Kavanaugh Protest Draws Downtown Crowd
About 200 Gathered in De la Guerra Plaza
Around 200 people gathered at De la Guerra Plaza on the morning of August 26 to take part in the national day of action against Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation to the U.S. Supreme Court. The event — organized by Women’s March Santa Barbara, Planned Parenthood California Central Coast Action Fund, S.B. Women’s Political Committee, and Immigration Advocacy Collaborative, among others — focused on human rights, especially reproductive rights, that could be put in jeopardy if Kavanaugh is confirmed.
With agreeable justices, President Trump has said he would seek to overturn Roe v. Wade, the 1973 landmark decision establishing a woman’s fundamental right to have an abortion. “We cannot allow our daughters and granddaughters to grow up with fewer rights than we have today,” said Jenna Tosh, CEO of Planned Parenthood California Central Coast.
Assemblymember Monique Limón, State Senator Hannah-Beth Jackson, and Congressmember Salud Carbajal rallied with the protesters. “The State of California will not stand down,” said Limón. “When threatened to close clinics, we increased Planned Parenthood funding,” she said, “and we will continue to fight back.” Jackson detailed stories of loved ones who’d traveled to Tijuana, Mexico, to access abortions prior to Roe v. Wade. “I have friends who were left infertile from illegal abortions,” said Jackson. “We will not go back!”