
Los Padres National Forest officials announced several fire restrictions that will become effective on May 27, due to an increasing potential for forest fires ahead of Memorial Day Weekend and the summer months. 

The restrictions will be in place until January 31, 2023, and will impact the use of campfires, stoves, smoking materials, and internal combustion engines.

The restrictions are as follows:

  • No open fires, campfires, or charcoal fires will be permitted outside of developed recreation sites or designated campfire sites, even with a valid California campfire permit. 
  • Lanterns and portable stoves using gas, jellied petroleum, or pressurized liquid fuel will be permitted, but only with a valid California campfire permit.
  • Forest visitors must clear all flammable material for five feet in all directions from their camp stove, have a shovel available, and ensure that a responsible person always attends the stove during use.
  • Smoking is prohibited, except within an enclosed vehicle, building, or a designated campfire use site, or while stopped in an area at least three feet in diameter that is cleared of all flammable material.
  • Internal combustion engines may be operated only on roads or designated trails, though this restriction is in effect year-round. 
  • Fireworks are absolutely not permitted at any time or in any location within the forest.
  • Recreational target shooting is prohibited within the forest except for the Winchester Canyon Gun Club and Ojai Valley Gun Club that operate under special use permits.

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