Giant Eucs Down at Santa Barbara’s Shoreline Park
One Fell over the Cliff at the Park on the Mesa

Reader Ellen Meaney sent the Indy photos of the giant eucalyptus trees at Shoreline Park that fell over during the high winds on Wednesday afternoon. One went over the cliff, Parks & Rec said, while its mate — their roots were tangled together — fell into the park. No one was injured.
The trees were about 100 years old and stood about 70 feet high, said Jazmin LeBlanc, assistant director for city Parks & Rec. As well as losing two unique trees at the park, some fencing along the cliff was damaged. Temporary fencing was up around the trees, which are down to some very big logs that will be removed once the soil dries out some more, she said.
“The park is open and safe for community members,” LeBlanc assured.