Local Rotary Club Continues Their Generous Yearly Donations to GUSD Libraries
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Goleta, CA – October 6th, 2023 Rotary Club of Goleta Noontime continues to be a tremendous supporter of GUSD. At the beginning of every school year, our local Rotary Club donates money to GUSD to help fund our ever growing and changing libraries. Since 2021, Rotary Club at Goleta Noontime has doubled their library donation amount from $1,000 to $2,000 to our district yearly. It’s estimated that they have donated 900 books worth about $12,000 to help fund our libraries since 2006 when the donations began, and $50,000 total for all donation efforts.
Supporting local businesses is important to GUSD and Rotary, which is why we use the provided donation money at Chaucer’s Books. One of the managers at Chaucer’s, Jareme Magara, said he believes “staying local is key to our success and for the success of our schools and libraries! As a father of an elementary school student, I think it’s very important that books of all varieties are readily available.”
Chaucer’s provides an educator discount of 20% for books purchased for the classroom. They also organize book fair nights for local schools where they give back 25% of all sales sold within the event back to the partnering school.
Our Library Media Specialists curate their book list with the yearly Rotary donation money. The library books that are chosen are labeled and signed by several Rotary Club members at their monthly meetings before being redistributed to our libraries.
We would like to thank Rotary Club member of 36 years, Mike Gartzke, for providing information on this topic. If you are interested in learning more about Rotary at Goleta Noontime, please visit their website for more information.
Call: (805) 681-1200 Email: contact-gusd@gusd.us