Project 2025
Top-Secret Santa Barbara Edition

In order to set an agenda for Trump’s second presidential term, the Heritage Foundation, along with other conservative groups, wrote a document entitled Mandate for Leadership: The Conservative Promise, which describes the objectives of Project 2025. Some refer to this document as the blueprint for the autocratic takeover of our country. Which means, of course, that we’ve all read its 922 pages in order to know what these people have in store for us. But how much of it do we actually remember? Let’s take a quiz.
To make this quiz more entertaining, each question has two answers. One answer describes what the creators of Project 2025 actually say they want to do about an issue, and the other answer suggests what Barbarians might say. See if you can figure out which is which.
Note: In the following questions, those responsible for writing the Project 2025 document will be simply referred to as “They.”
They frequently use the term “unitary executive theory.” What does it mean?
(a) It means that we must solicit the opinion of every person who lives in Santa Barbara before we begin to do anything to improve State Street.
(b) It means that the entire federal bureaucracy, including such independent agencies as the Department of Justice, should be placed under presidential control.
They call for eliminating the protection of jobs for thousands of government employees and replacing them with:
(a) Political appointees
(b) Plovers
Which organization did they label as being “a bloated, arrogant, increasingly lawless organization”?
(a) The YMCA
(b) The FBI
They called for the elimination of which Government Department?
(a) The Department of Education
(b) The Department of Cascarón (confetti eggs)
Which organization did they say should “maintain a biblically based, social science-reinforced definition of marriage and family”?
(a) The Department of Health and Human Services
(b) The Santa Barbara Independent
They intend to eliminate the following descriptive terms in all laws and federal regulations:
(a) “Sexual orientation,” “gender equality,” and “reproductive rights”
(b) “Pickle ball,” “surfer dude,” and “Rusty’s Pizza”
In order to crackdown on “woke” ideology, what do they intend to get rid of in all schools and government departments?
(a) Snickers, Red Bull, and caffeinated coffee
(b) Diversification, Equality, and Inclusion programs
In regard to our response to climate change, they want to cut research and investment in renewable energy; in this regard, they also want the President to:
(a) “Stop the war on oil and natural gas.”
(b) “Stop Earth Day and the Solstice Parade”
They want economists to seriously consider basing our currency on the value of:
(a) Gold
(b) Home Improvement Center coupons
They wish to eliminate visa categories for crime and human trafficking victims.
(a) True
(b) Look, if this is true — and every statement attributed to them in this quiz is true — then we should be pretty worried, and maybe even scared, by the objectives of Project 2025.
Answer Key: If needed, answers can be found in BBC’s News correspondent Mike Wendling’s article “Project 2025” posted 7/12/24 on BBC’s website.