Watch Out for Weekend Heat
Public Health Cautions Against Predicted High Temperatures
Though a heat wave rolling into town over the next couple of days probably won’t compare to what Central Valley California residents feel throughout the summer, the Santa Barbara County Public Health Department is urging residents – especially the elderly – to keep cool and take precautions, and look out for friends, neighbors and family members who might be in need of help.
Temperatures along the coast are expected to be in the high 70s and low 80s, but are predicted to climb into the 90s inland over the next few days.
“The elderly are more vulnerable to temperature extremes and we need to be vigilant on their behalf whenever possible,” said Public Health Department Director Elliot Schulman. The department has a list of suggested precautions to take should you start feeling the heat.
· Take breaks in the shade or air conditioning
· Know the signs of heat exhaustion and heat stroke, which include dizzying, nausea, sweating, and hot, flushed skin. If heat stroke is possible, call 911 immediately, as it can be life threatening.
· Take care of young children, elderly and pets who might not be aware of the effects of the heat.
· Drink plenty of water.