The Coral Sea
The Coral Sea covers two songs-The Knife’s “Heartbeats” and The Pixies’ “Where Is My Mind?”-on its slim Covers EP. Having never heard The Knife’s version of “Heartbeats” before, I can only say it’s a Swedish brother-and-sister duo-Olof and Karin Dreijer-who are willfully quirky; and their fellow Swede, Jose Gonzalez, has found success covering the song. However, as reincarnated by The Coral Sea, “Heartbeats” sounds a hell of a lot like vintage Television circa Marquee Moon-which is a very good thing indeed. Meanwhile, Frank Black’s classic “Where Is My Mind?” is interestingly arranged and transformed here to an almost opiated state. Lead singer Rey Villalobos’s vocal delivery is incredibly languid and the tune is texturally toned-down through a violin accompaniment-making it striking in comparison to The Pixies much-loved, frenzied version. Based on these two covers, one can only hope that The Coral Sea puts together a proper covers album on which more of their influences could be explored.