Reading the Angel of Mercury
What the Space Between the Fingers Says About You

Stop what you are doing. Spread out the fingers on your hand like a fan.
The distance between your pointer (Jupiter) and your middle (Saturn) finger should be equal to the distance between your little (Mercury) finger and your ring (Apollo) finger.
If all the distances are equal, it means that you are not particularly eccentric or dramatic. You don’t paint your house violet or wear leather and chains to walk down a normal city block. Not to label you, but you might be some what of a conformist. Wherever you are, you have the ability to blend right in; to go with the flow without making waves.

But, if your little finger stands at a greater distance from your ring finger than the ring finger stands from the middle, or the middle finger separates from the pointer, you might be considered eccentric.
If the distance is just a bit greater, this is denotes an acceptable amount of eccentricity. If the distance is a great deal larger – like a whole width of your middle finger, and not just one half of it – expressing your eccentricity is part of who you are. You might live in a yurt, or ride a decoupage bicycle, or drive a car covered with anti-global warming and “End the War Now” bumper stickers-inside and out and including the steering wheel and dashboard.
If the distance is narrower than the distance between the other fingers, you might have a need for company and companionship, and you might prove yourself chronically unable to bear separation. You can’t sleep in a room alone. You can’t ride in the back seat of a van by yourself without whining that you are all alone, separated from the two up front.
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