You’ve Got Meal
Dinner delivered by DHL? Not just one dinner, either-an entire week’s worth. You might expect Mylar packets of Twinkies or Velveeta, or some kind of astronaut food. However, if the box is coming from Los Angeles-based Vegin’ Out, you’ll find something more like a weekly care package from your personal health guru. Think pasta primavera, tofu teriyaki and vegetables, and Acapulco black bean tamale pie-to use one recent menu as an example. It’s fresh, vegan, and usually at least 75 percent organic.
Vegin’ Out has been doing home delivery since 1999, creating innovative vegan meals by the bushel for those big on health but low on time. They just recently started shipping to our area.
How does it work? Begin with a phone call to (310) 574-9405 or a visit to Place a “one size fits most” order for that week’s menu-no need to choose between options; you get everything on the menu. You order by Friday, and the next Tuesday a big yellow truck delivers food to your door. $100 (plus $15 shipping) delivers three different entrees, four side dishes, a soup, and five cookies. Each soup, side dish, and entree is three servings, for a total of nine or 10 mix-and-match meals. If you want to order extra servings, you can, if you place your order before 5 p.m. Friday the week before. The bummer is you won’t realize that you really, really, really want more than three servings of those amazing rosemary mashed potatoes until it’s too late, and then you just have to wait for them to show up on the weekly menu again.
Once you’ve unpacked the shipping box (and recycled the bags and cold packs), it takes some discipline not to sample a bite of everything before you stack the deli-style containers in the fridge. Then again, it’s all good for you. You’ve got plenty to get you through the week, almost. Order extra potatoes.