Man Apprehended for 2007 Carpinteria Assault
Had Evaded Authorities Until His Dec. 22 Arrest in Oak View
It took more than a year-and-a-half to find him, but they did.
The Santa Barbara County Sheriff’s Department announced the capture of 28-year-old Eddie Galvez, who is wanted in connection to a violent gang assault in Carpinteria in June 2007.
Galvez was located in Oak View, a city near Ojai in Ventura County on December 22 and taken into custody by state parole and Ventura County sheriff’s deputies.
Three others were arrested the day of the incident, while authorities arrested another two the next day. All pled guilty to charges, with Juan Alcala serving eight years in state prison for assault with a deadly weapon with a gang enhancement and Anthony Garibay serving 10 years behind state prison bars on the same charge.
The group allegedly attacked a witness to a fight outside a bar near Carpinteria and Eugenia avenues after the witness called 911. The witness was severely beaten and had internal bleeding, a broken rib, and a sprained knee from the attack. Additionally, his cell phone was stolen. Three of the suspects were arrested that night, while two were arrested the next day.