Campaign Mailer Lies
Susan Jordan just sent out a mailer about the PXP plan that is full of lies and misrepresentations. This plan, which would have shut down existing oil drilling offshore Santa Barbara County, was negotiated by environmental stalwarts Get Oil Out!, the Environmental Defense Center, and the Citizen’s Planning Association, and had overwhelming support when it was presented to the State Lands Commission, from Congresswoman Capps to County Supervisors Carbajal, Wolf, and Farr, to virtually every local environmental City Council member. Ms. Jordan was nowhere to be found, either in favor or opposition.
Das Williams represents his community’s desire to end offshore oil drilling. He has always been there, and he always will be. The “facts” that Ms. Jordan includes in her mailer about the risk of an oil spill is from a report about a prior plan that was defeated by EDC and company. Do not be fooled. Mr. Williams has a proven record on oil, and he has the votes to prove it.—Kathleen Scott, Santa Barbara