Dare to Dance
Four Chances to Dance This Spring

It’s springtime in Santa Barbara, and though we don’t exactly have to crawl out of hibernation, April’s still a time for regeneration. Among other things, the end of the month features National Dance Week, when the most kinetic of the art forms gets celebrated across the nation. Here in S.B. there are chances to check out live dance everywhere from traditional theaters to outdoor public spaces, as well as numerous ways to support ambitious young dance artists. Check out what not to miss.
1. Santa Barbara Dance Day: On Saturday, April 30, downtown Santa Barbara will come alive with bodies in motion for Dance Day 2011. From State Street storefronts to the steps of the art museum, dancers will be taking public spaces by storm with swing, salsa, country western, jazz, folk dance, flamenco, and more. The festivities are free to the public and kick off with a proclamation by Mayor Helene Schneider at the Paseo Nuevo fountain at 1 p.m. For more information, call 966-6950 or visit sbdancealliance.org. THIS EVENT HAS BEEN POSTPONED.
2. Dare Kids to Dance: Also on Saturday, kids ages 10-18 are invited to attend a free dance workshop at the Santa Barbara Dance Center (127-A W. Canon Perdido St.) from 4-6 p.m. No experience is necessary, but be forewarned: You might end up on TV! The monthly workshop is part of the new reality TV show Dare Kids to Dance, which will air on Channel 17. For more information, check out darekidstodance.com.
3. SBCC’s Spring Dance Concert: The who’s who of Santa Barbara’s emerging dance scene comes out for Santa Barbara City College’s end-of-year concert at the Marjorie Luke Theatre on Friday, April 29, and Saturday, April 30, at 8 p.m. This year titled Crossing the Line, the show features choreography by students and faculty members, with influences ranging from ballet to hip-hop, modern to lyrical. For more information, call 965-5935
4. The Bird Collective Fundraiser: The strength of S.B.’s creative community is dependent on its links to the larger world. This summer, three area dance artists known as The Bird Tribe plan to travel to the medieval hilltop town of Labro, Italy, where they will perform, teach, and create new works as part of a residency with The Art Monastery Project. On May 15, they’ll hold a fundraiser to support their trip, location TBD. To learn more about The Bird Tribe and their plans, contact Kaita Lepore at 966-6147 x290, or email klepo973@yahoo.com.