The Rosebuds
Loud Planes Fly Low

Since their start in 2001, The Rosebuds have been the model of saccharine-sweet indieness. The band, made up of husband and wife Ivan Howard and Kelly Crisp, broke through with a set of bouncy, melodic pop gems coyly dubbed The Rosebuds Make Out. Now, 10 years, four albums, and one divorce later, we get Loud Planes Fly Low, a soft-by-comparison telling of the falling apart and slow piecing back together of Crisp and Howard’s relationship. While the stark orchestral arrangements and disarmingly honest lyrics make Loud Planes one of The Rosebuds’ finer efforts, it’s the hopeful quality of the album that sets it apart. The words and plinking piano lines of “Woods” scream (sometimes literally) of rebirth, while album ender “Worthwhile” shimmers with lines like “We could go on wishing all our lives … but all I want is to make this all worthwhile.” These are songs with silver linings, and they shine bright even at their saddest moments. The Rosebuds play SOhO (1221 State St.) on Tuesday, July 5. Visit for tickets.