New Deputies and Promotions at Sheriff’s Department
SBSO Continues Search to Fill Critical Jail Staffing Needs
More than 90 people attended the afternoon ceremony during which the Sheriff welcomed the newly hired Custody Deputies and officially promoted Timothy McWilliams to Custody Lieutenant and Richard Zepf to Custody Sergeant.

Custody Lieutenant McWilliams began his career in corrections at the California Men’s Colony in 1985 prior to joining the Sheriff’s Office in 1989. He was most recently assigned to Custody Administration at the Main Jail. Custody Sergeant Richard Zepf joined the Sheriff’s Office in 2004 and has done an outstanding job working in the Jail’s Classification Unit.
The six new Custody Deputies were selected from a group of more than 500 applicants after completing a rigorous hiring process that began in early September, 2011.

Despite the six new hires, the Sheriff’s Office continues to seek more qualified individuals to fill critical staffing requirements at the Santa Barbara County Jail, as well as enhancing security needs with the influx of state prison inmates as a result of AB 109, the Prison Realignment Act.
The Sheriff’s Human Resource Bureau will open a new round of hiring for several Custody Deputy positions, beginning Friday, February 24, 2012. Interested applicants are encouraged to visit the Santa Barbara County Human Resources website or call SBSO Human Resources directly at (805) 681-4270.