Lessons in Porn
Thanks to Starshine for her insightful and well-researched commentary on the dangerously easy access to porn for teens nowadays, via the Internet especially.
I wanted to share an interesting, “educating” thing my husband did for me. When I was a young woman of 23 years old I met my husband, who was then 37 years old. He had been on the road for Jesus for seven years, walking and hitchhiking all over, and I had the exact same desire to do this but not a clue on how to begin. I had just been a Christian for a year and a half. We became a married couple as we fell in love and walked, hitchhiked, and even rode the freight trains as free-lance missionaries, for about 25 years
In the first few years my husband, John, was alarmed at my goody-two-shoes naiveté about men. So he took me to see two or three porn movies as an education about the way men think in most cases. He knew we would be ministering to lots of men on our calling. Well, I got the picture! It was a graphic illustration and I am forever grateful to my husband (now in heaven for 6 years) for the rude awakening. Not that I’m promoting pornography with this anecdote, but it helped my naive middle-class mind to realize some men, when they are really “nice” to you, are only thinking of one thing and love has nothing to do with it! Ironically, “loveless porn” is what gives men or women often this mentality, as my John knew from his own youthful indiscretions.