Zoning Change Blues
Who has ‘gone rogue?’ You decide.
We are a multigenerational family in the Gaviota area. We heard of the rezoning of our property not from the County, but through community members on the Gaviota Coast Community Advisory Committee (GavPac).
We asked that the zoning remain commercial highway (CH) on the two acres, and GavPac also recommended it remain as such, citing it as an asset to the community. It offers unique and vast potential to serve recreationalists, travelers, local farmers, ranchers, and artisans, and to offer jobs. Next, the County sent us notice that our property would be up for a recommended rezoning change from CH to CH AG-2-100. A sigh of relief; at least the CH was kept.
Once again, friends informed us that county staff’s official recommendation was to take the zoning away. The notice was telling us a lie.
Fortunately, we were informed of county staff’s deception. We cancelled tutoring jobs, found child care, and attended the next meeting, asking to retain the CH zoning. GavPac, for a second time, voted unanimously, recommending the zoning remain. Staff called it an anachronism.
This zoning was granted as compensation when the highway took the inn, the store, and the gas station and left a community devastated. It is not an anachronism, it is an opportunity for a community and a family’s sustenance.
We have been offered no compensation for a move that would render our property literally valueless. Consider: a “rogue” is an “unprincipled, deceitful, and unreliable person.” Our story is not unique. This is not democracy. This is a taking.