Sleeping in the Garage
The New Beginnings Safe Parking program now wants to charge poor people $30 a month to have safe parking places.
Well, $30 doesn’t seem that much but to people living on the barest minimum, far below the poverty line, it is a lot. What would be next? An increase to $40, $50, $100 per month?
What would that money go for? “Administrative costs,” “filing fees,” “rental costs,” “travel expenses?”
New Beginnings says they don’t have enough money! Well, they should move to less expensive office space, cut, squeeze, and eliminate like everyone else is doing.
New Beginnings claims to be non-profit but with 150 vehicles or more paying nearly $400 a year, that is almost $60,000! That is not non-profit?
To charge the poor like this must be illegal. Sorry, but we don’t want homeless on our street. This is a black eye that New Beginnings will live with for a long time.