Montecito Trails Foundation to Hold Annual BBQ September 28, 2013
Event is Open to the Public: Hikers, Runners, Bikers, and Equestrians Welcome
Hikers, bikers, trail-runners, equestrians, and nature lovers of all kinds are invited to attend.
The day will begin with guided hikes and rides starting at approximately 9 a.m.; departure times, locations and contacts for these activities will be posted on the MTF website: A hearty outdoor BBQ lunch, along with vegetarian fare, will follow; food will be served from 12 noon to 2PM by Los Padres Outfitters.
Live music will be provided by the ever-popular Steve Woods on guitar. A silent auction featuring original works of art, jewelry, wine and hospitality packages, and the complimentary ‘famous MTF Margarita Bar’ round out the fun. Children under 12 slip in FREE. Members: $50 by Sept. 20th, $60 at the door; Non-members $70.
“We are entirely a volunteer organization and continually work ‘behind the scenes’ to make sure this incredible network of trails is well-maintained, protected and safe for everyone in the community,” says MTF President, Bobbi King. “This is our one fundraiser every year, so if you use the trails, please come and show your appreciation. If you don’t have a horse of your own, but want to ‘hoof-it’ with us, rental horses are available through Los Padres Outfitters.”
King will provide updates on the progress and status of all MTF-maintained trails, including the newly opened Franklin Trail in Carpinteria. Come learn about this incredible resource in Santa Barbara’s backyard and meet others interested in sharing your favorite outdoor activity.
For additional information, visit our website at, or call (805) 969-3514.
About Montecito Trails Foundation:
Since 1964 MTF has worked to preserve and maintain trails in Montecito, Summerland and Carpinteria. A private, non-profit organization, MTF is supported by donations that keep more than 200 miles of trails open to the public.