Lois Klein Brings New Poetry to Granada Books
Pick Up a Copy of Blooming Wild So Close to Home on September 19

It’s tough to imagine a place more inspiring than Santa Barbara — especially if you’re a poet. Flanked by pristine shorelines and golden chaparrals, and home to a thriving art community, it’s no wonder poet Lois Klein decided to call S.B. home. This week, the South Coast Writers Project fellow and teacher will bring her new book of poetry, Blooming Wild So Close to Home, to Granada Books for a reading and book signing. Inspired by the simplicity of childhood and the burdens of growing up, Blooming showcases what Klein does best — weaving metaphor, word play, and rhyme together with an ear for the concise. Hear it for yourself on Thursday, September 19, at 7 p.m. For info, call (805) 845-1818 or visit sbgranadabooks.com.