Cruise Ships – Volunteers Needed and Updated Spring Schedule
Become a Santa Barbara Ambassador! We are recruiting volunteers to help staff the hospitality tent. Volunteers welcome Cruise Ship passengers and provide information about Santa Barbara. Including the 2014 Downtown Map & Guide, The Chamber Map and information on Activities, Sight Seeing, Shopping, Dining and especially Transportation.
Businesses are encouraged to provide volunteers to assist the passengers. As a team when a business volunteer is present we try to make sure that all Ambassadors promote that specific business after we have assisted them with general information and transportation. Sandbar has been providing a volunteer and they have had great success.
*The shifts are: 8am – 11am, 9:30am-12:30pm and 11am – 2:30pm. You must be able to stand for the entire 3 hour shift. The early shift will help with unpacking literature and the last shift will help repack. Red Santa Barbara Ambassador jackets are provided and returned at the end of your shift. Please ONLY wear black and/or white so we look professional and uniform. We will provide you with a name tag on red lanyards as well as FREE parking in the Main Harbor Parking Lot.
to sign up to volunteer for Cruise Ships, visit:
Mark your calendar: Santa Barbara welcomes 12 more Cruise Ships this season.
Passengers from Cruise Ships will disembark at Sea Landing and flow into downtown shops and businesses from approximately 9am to 5pm.
If your business has information, brochures or coupons you would like to offer to passengers for all these ships, materials must be delivered to the Visitor’s Center at 1 Garden Street.
You may restock your brochures throughout the season by delivering to the Visitor’s Center only, but materials will not be accepted at the Hospitality tables set up on Cabrillo Blvd.
Do not use expiration dates or change your promotion throughout the duration of the season. Please keep in mind that it is easier to educate our volunteers on a promotion
that they can offer all passengers for every ship throughout the entire Season.
the rest of
Monday, March 24th Sapphire Princess
Friday, March 28th Sapphire Princess
Sunday, March 30th Celebrity Century
Sunday, April 6th Celebrity Century
Wednesday, April 9th Crown Princess
Friday, April 11th Grand Princess
Sunday, April 13th Celebrity Century
Sunday, April 20th Celebrity Century
Wednesday, April 23rd Crown Princess
Sunday, April 27th Celebrity Century
Wednesday, April 30th Crown Princess
Sunday, May 4th Crown Princess
To volunteer contact Georgette: