Recent Santa Barbara Crime Data
The following is a summary of some of the crime data collected by the Police Department during the months of January and February 2014 for the City of Santa Barbara. This information has been gleaned from a combination of statistical analysis and input from Patrol Division and Investigative Division supervisors tasked with reviewing crime reports.
The overall number of major crimes reported in February, commonly referred to as “Part 1” crimes, is down from the previous month and significantly down in comparison to the year to date figure from 2013. In February 2014 there were 194 Part 1 crimes reported, compared to 218 in January 2014. Year to date Part 1 crimes total 412, a decrease of 33% compared to 2013.
Minor crimes reported in February, known as “Part 2” crimes, are down 16% from the previous month but up 6% from the year to date figure from 2013. In February 2014 there were 2,128 Part 2 crimes reported, compared to 2,525 in January 2014. Year to date Part 2 crimes total 4,653, compared to 4,403 for the same period in 2013.
Violent Crimes: The number of violent crimes in February decreased 49% from the previous month, however remains even with the year to date figure from 2013. Incidents of rape and robbery continue to be low, and aggravated assaults declined sharply following some recent months with high numbers. There were 22 violent crimes reported in February 2014, a decrease of 42% compared to February 2013, which had 38. Year to date 65 violent crimes have been reported, the same figure for this period in 2013.
Property Crimes: The number of property crimes in February remained roughly even with the previous month and is down 37% in comparison to year to date figures from 2013. There were 172 property crimes reported in February 2014. Year to date 347 property crimes have been reported, compared to 548 for the same period in 2013.
Gang Incidents: The overall number of gang incidents increased slightly with 13 in February 2014 compared to 11 in January 2014. Both of these numbers, however, are low. Most gang incidents were cases of graffiti vandalism.
Additional Santa Barbara crime information and statistics can be found here: