Parking Restricted During Deltopia

As Deltopia repeats its sixth year, the City of Goleta has re-established parking restrictions in housing areas west of Isla Vista. Street parking will be off limits to those hoping to walk or bike over to Isla Vista from an area bounded by Cannon Green Drive and Storke Road, and also by Hollister Avenue and Whittier Drive — roughly west and south of Camino Real Marketplace. Parking permits must be displayed on any vehicle parked on the street in the area, between 9 a.m. on Saturday, April 4, and 6 a.m. on Sunday, April 5.
Two permits have been mailed to each household in the developments known as University 1 and University 2, and folks playing at Girsh or shopping at the Marketplace are able to park in the lots there. Cars parked on the street without the permit face citation and towing at the owner’s expense. The City of Goleta states that if Deltopia moves to the following weekend, the same restrictions will apply April 11-12. If residents have questions or need permits, they should check the city’s website here.