Seniors Spin Ceramics for Empty Bowls

“I know hunger in America is a terrible problem, even here in Santa Barbara, and this is just a great way to raise money and awareness,” said Betsy Kain (right) while she and other Samarkand retirement community residents glazed bowls that they lovingly crafted during a weekly ceramics class. The bowls will be donated to Empty Bowls Santa Barbara for its 18th annual benefit luncheon, which each year raises thousands of dollars for the Foodbank of Santa Barbara County. The goal of the group at Samarkand was to make at least 20 bowls, which they have already surpassed. The class is not only for a good cause; it’s also fun. “There’s nothing not to like about this,” said Julie Fisher (left), who’s lived there for 15 years. “It’s creative and not too difficult.” This year’s lunch is on Sunday, November 1, at Page Youth Center (4540 Hollister Ave.). See