‘Weak’ for Trump
Donald Trump called Jeb Bush “tired.” It was a very effective strategy. Repeat something over and over then people will remember and pretty soon they will begin to believe. He had one-word names to put down other opposing candidates as well. At the moment his one word descriptor of Hillary Clinton is “liar.” It’s time for Hillary to take advantage of that same workable line of attack and come up with an apt description of her own for Donald Trump — “weak”!
Sure, Hillary could describe Trump as narcissistic, a bully, immoral, dishonest, irreligious, uninformed, ill prepared, insensitive, manipulative, thin skinned, indecisive, a flip-flopper, and a threat to the American way of life. But how original is that? That’s how even members of his own political party describe him. Besides, that is far too many words. Instead, Clinton needs to follow Trump’s own lead and call him what all those words actually add up to — Donald Trump is “weak.”
At the upcoming Democratic Convention, Hillary can say what she wants about Trump but should always return to that single word — “weak.” At campaign stops she should never forget to remind the crowd of that one most important fact about her opponent — he’s “weak.” During television interviews she should never sign off without reminding the audience that no one wants a next president who is “weak.” Why? Because it’s the truth. And, there is one more reason. Donald trump is under the illusion he is strong and powerful. It will drive him crazy!