Old Spanish Days Events 2016
The Most Complete Guide to Fiesta

Wednesday 8/3
Courthouse Fiesta Tours Meet in the Mural Room for a guided tour of the Moorish-Spanish building. Tours happen every 30 minutes. 10am-3pm. S.B. County Courthouse, 1100 Anacapa St. Free. Call 962-6464. www.santabarbaracourthouse.org
Picturing Old Spanish Days These works of art celebrate the common joys of our unique culture and highlight our architecture, our dances, our costumes, our food … our Fiesta. There are paintings created from the 1890s to the 1920s and later, more modern takes on our unique hybrid of Spanish, Mexican, and American culture. The exhibit shows through August 28. 10am-5:30pm. Sullivan Goss, An American Gallery, 11 E. Anapamu St. Free. Call 730-1460. sullivangoss.com
S.B. Mission Docent Tours Trained docents will lead a special tour of the Queen of the Missions. 11am and 1:30pm. Old Mission S.B., 2201 Laguna St. Free-$12. Call 682-4713. santabarbaramission.org
El Mercado de la Guerra Feast on Spanish and Mexican-American foods, shop for crafts and souvenirs, and enjoy live entertainment, all while strolling through this colorful Mexican market. 11am-11pm. De la Guerra Plaza, first block of E. De la Guerra St. Free.

El Mercado del Norte Enjoy Fiesta foods, souvenirs at the Fiesta Bazaar, rides and attractions at the Fiesta Carnival, and icy cold drinks and live entertainment at the Crazy Horse Cantina. The purchase of a wristband gets you unlimited rides. 11am-11pm. Mackenzie Park, State St. and Las Positas Rd. Admission: free; wristband: $25.
Fiesta! at Paseo Nuevo Celebrate Old Spanish Days Fiesta with flamenco dance performances and live music in the heart of this outdoor paseo. Noon-6:45pm. Center Ct., Paseo Nuevo, 651 Paseo Nuevo. Free. paseonuevoshopping.com/event/fiesta
Project Fiesta! Building A Complete History of Old Spanish Days This installation will make you fall in love with Fiesta as memories of the festival come to life with personal stories, vintage posters, restored costumes, historical photographs, and artifacts that connect our community and celebrate our traditions. 10am-5pm. S.B. Historical Museum, 136 E. De la Guerra St. Free; donations accepted. Call 966-1601. santabarbaramuseum.com
Casa Cantina This annual Mexican-style cantina invites all to relax, sip a cold drink, and celebrate at the home of Fiesta. Noon-midnight. Casa de la Guerra, 15 E. De la Guerra St. Free-$10. Ages 21+. Call 965-0093. sbthp.org
Crazy Horse Cantina This cantina inside the Mercado features a beer garden with live entertainment and is a favorite gathering spot during Fiesta. 5-10:30pm. El Mercado del Norte, Mackenzie Park, State St. and Las Positas Rd. Free. Ages 21+.
La Fiesta Pequeña This “Little Fiesta” will have traditional songs and dance from the Californios, flamenco, Spanish classical, and Mexican folklórico. There will also be special appearances and special performances by the 2016 Spirit and Jr. Spirit. 8pm. Old Mission S.B., 2201 Laguna St. Free.

Thursday 8/4
Competencia de los Vaqueros (Fiesta Stock Horse Show & Rodeo) Tri-County riders compete in the Alisal Ranch Horse Class, Fiesta Ranch Horse Class, Old Timers Team Roping, and Steer Stopping. 8am. Earl Warren Showgrounds, 3400 Calle Real. Free. Call 688-5093. sbfiestarodeo.org
La Misa del Presidente Community members of all faiths are welcome to enjoy High Mass followed by a festive reception in the mission’s Sacred Garden to celebrate the long-standing relationship between the Old Mission and Old Spanish Days as well as the entire Fiesta community. 10am. Old Mission S.B., 2201 Laguna St. Free. Call 682-4713.
Courthouse Fiesta Tours Meet in the Mural Room for a guided tour of the Moorish-Spanish building. Tours happen every 30 minutes. 10am-3pm. S.B. County Courthouse, 1100 Anacapa St. Free. Call 962-6464. www.santabarbaracourthouse.org
Picturing Old Spanish Days These works of art celebrate the common joys of our unique culture and highlight our architecture, our dances, our costumes, our food … our Fiesta. There are paintings created from the 1890s to the 1920s and later, more modern takes on our unique hybrid of Spanish, Mexican, and American culture. The exhibit shows through August 28. 10am-5:30pm. Sullivan Goss, An American Gallery, 11 E. Anapamu St. Free. Call 730-1460. sullivangoss.com
Project Fiesta! Building A Complete History of Old Spanish Days This installation will make you fall in love with Fiesta as memories of the festival come to life with personal stories, vintage posters, restored costumes, historical photographs, and artifacts that connect our community and celebrate our traditions. 10am-5pm. S.B. Historical Museum, 136 E. De la Guerra St. Free; donations accepted. Call 966-1601. santabarbaramuseum.com
S.B. Mission Docent Tours Trained docents will lead a special tour of the Queen of the Missions. 11am and 1:30pm. Old Mission S.B., 2201 Laguna St. Free-$12. Call 682-4713. santabarbaramission.org
El Mercado de la Guerra Feast on Spanish and Mexican-American foods, shop for crafts and souvenirs, and enjoy live entertainment, all while strolling through this colorful Mexican market. 11am-11pm. De la Guerra Plaza (across from City Hall). Free.

El Mercado del Norte Enjoy Fiesta foods, souvenirs at the Fiesta Bazaar, rides and attractions at the Fiesta Carnival, and icy cold drinks and live entertainment at the Crazy Horse Cantina. The purchase of a wristband gets you unlimited rides. 11am-11pm. Mackenzie Park, State St. and Las Positas Rd. Admission: free; wristband: $25.
Fiesta! at Paseo Nuevo Celebrate Old Spanish Days Fiesta with flamenco dance performances and live music in the heart of this outdoor paseo. Noon-6:45pm. Center Ct., Paseo Nuevo, 651 Paseo Nuevo. Free. paseonuevoshopping.com/event/fiesta
Casa Cantina This annual Mexican-style cantina invites all to relax, sip a cold drink, and celebrate at the home of Fiesta. Noon-midnight. Casa de la Guerra Courtyard, 15 E. De la Guerra St. Free-$10. Ages 21+. Call 965-0093.
Crazy Horse Cantina This cantina inside the Mercado features a beer garden with live entertainment and is a favorite gathering spot during Fiesta. 5-10:30pm. El Mercado del Norte, Mackenzie Park, State St. and Las Positas Rd. Ages 21+. Free.
DIGS! Celebración de los Dignatarios Dance, listen to music, enjoy food from the Central Coast’s finest eateries, and experience wines and tequilas by sunset. New this year: All-in-one pricing includes admission, drinks, and food. 5-10pm. S.B. Zoo, 500 Niños Dr. $110-$125. Ages 21+. Call 962-5339. sbzoo.org
Professional Bull Riders (PBR) Touring Pro Division The nation’s top riders and brave cowboys risk it all in thrilling eight-second rides and jaw-dropping wrecks against monstrous animal athletes weighing up to 2,000 pounds. 7:30pm. Earl Warren Showgrounds, 3400 Calle Real. $25-$80. Call 688-5093. sbfiestarodeo.org
Las Noches de Ronda (Nights of Gaiety) More than 200 performers will create an evening of dance and song, from flamenco to Mexican folklórico. Bring blankets and chairs for lawn seating. 8pm. S.B. County Courthouse Sunken Gardens, 1100 Anacapa St. Free.

Friday 8/5
Competencia de los Vaqueros (Fiesta Stock Horse Show & Rodeo) Junior Tri-Counties riders compete in the Non-Pro Stock Horse Class and Buckaroo Class, Breakaway Roping, Tie-Down Roping, Team Roping, and Barrel Racing. 8am and noon. Earl Warren Showgrounds, 3400 Calle Real. Free. Call 688-5093. sbfiestarodeo.com.
Courthouse Fiesta Tours Meet in the Mural Room for a guided tour of the Moorish-Spanish building. Tours happen every 30 minutes. 10am-3pm. S.B. County Courthouse, 1100 Anacapa St. Free. Call 962-6464. www.santabarbaracourthouse.org
Picturing Old Spanish Days These works of art celebrate the common joys of our unique culture and highlight our architecture, our dances, our costumes, our food … our Fiesta. There are paintings created from the 1890s to the 1920s and later, more modern takes on our unique hybrid of Spanish, Mexican, and American culture. The exhibit shows through August 28. 10am-5:30pm. Sullivan Goss, An American Gallery, 11 E. Anapamu St. Free. Call 730-1460. sullivangoss.com
Project Fiesta! Building A Complete History of Old Spanish Days This installation will make you fall in love with Fiesta as memories of the festival come to life with personal stories, vintage posters, restored costumes, historical photographs, and artifacts that connect our community and celebrate our traditions. 10am-5pm. S.B. Historical Museum, 136 E. De la Guerra St. Free; donations accepted. Call 966-1601. santabarbaramuseum.com
S.B. Mission Docent Tours Trained docents will lead a special tour of the Queen of the Missions. 11am and 1:30pm. Old Mission S.B., 2201 Laguna St. Free-$12. Call 682-4713. santabarbaramission.org
Our Lady of Guadalupe Mercado Enjoy a wide array of authentic Mexican cuisine and entertainment. 11am-9pm. Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish, 227 N. Nopal St. (corner of Nopal and Montecito sts.). Free.
El Mercado de la Guerra Feast on Spanish and Mexican-American foods, shop for crafts and souvenirs, and enjoy live entertainment, all while strolling through this colorful Mexican market. 11am-11pm. De la Guerra Plaza (across from City Hall). Free.
El Mercado del Norte Enjoy Fiesta foods, souvenirs at the Fiesta Bazaar, rides and attractions at the Fiesta Carnival, and icy cold drinks and live entertainment at the Crazy Horse Cantina. The purchase of a wristband gets you unlimited rides. 11am-11pm. Mackenzie Park, State St. and Las Positas Rd. Admission: free; wristband: $30.
Fiesta! at Paseo Nuevo Celebrate Old Spanish Days Fiesta with flamenco dance performances and live music in the heart of this outdoor paseo. Noon-6:45pm. Center Ct., Paseo Nuevo, 651 Paseo Nuevo. Free. paseonuevoshopping.com/event/fiesta
Casa Cantina This annual Mexican-style cantina invites all to relax, sip a cold drink, and celebrate at the home of Fiesta. Noon-midnight. Casa de la Guerra Courtyard, 15 E. De la Guerra St. Free-$10. Ages 21+. Call 965-0093. sbthp.org
El Desfile Histórico This year marks the 92nd anniversary of the Fiesta Historical Parade, one of the largest equestrian parades in the U.S. with floats and dancers. The parade starts at the west end of Cabrillo Boulevard, proceeds east along the beach to State Street, and then goes up State Street to Sola Street. Noon. Free-$35. Click here for the parade lineup.
Crazy Horse Cantina This cantina inside the Mercado features a beer garden with live entertainment and is a favorite gathering spot during Fiesta. 5-10:30pm. El Mercado del Norte, Mackenzie Park, State St. and Las Positas Rd. Ages 21+. Free.
Fiesta After Parade Exhibition Hours Continue the Fiesta feeling following the Desfile Histórico and view the Project Fiesta! Building A Complete History of Old Spanish Days exhibition, with vintage posters, restored costumes, historical photographs, and artifacts that connect our community and celebrate our traditions. 2:30-5:30pm. S.B. Historical Museum, 136 E. De la Guerra St. Free. Call 966-1601. santabarbaramuseum.com
Courthouse Legacy Foundation’s Annual Fiesta Party: Fiesta with Fiery Flair Celebrate Fiesta from the second floor of the Courthouse, overlooking the Sunken Gardens and Las Noches de Ronda festivities. The Loggia and Mural Room are the perfect places to view this annual Fiesta celebration while enjoying cocktails and great food. You can also get up close and personal with VIP onstage seats or take in the breathtaking, sweeping city views from the Clock Tower. Enjoy exclusive and private use of the Courthouse for the evening. 6:30-9:30pm. S.B. County Courthouse, 1100 Anacapa St. $50/members; $75/nonmembers (includes annual membership). Ages 21+. Call 770-7222. sbclf.org
Flor y Canto Interwoven with historical narration, Spanish California dances and songs of the 19th century will be performed by residents in authentic costumes. Bring a picnic dinner and blankets for lawn seating. 7pm. S.B. County Courthouse Sunken Gardens, 1100 Anacapa St. Free. Call 962-6464.
PRCA Performance: Competencia de los Vaqueros The Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association Rodeo riders of this organization will compete in Bull Riding, Team Roping, Steer Wrestling, and more. 7:30pm. Earl Warren Showgrounds, 3400 Calle Real. $20-$35. Call 688-5093. sbfiestarodeo.org
Las Noches de Ronda (Nights of Gaiety) More than 200 performers will create an evening of dance and song from flamenco to Mexican folklórico. Bring blankets and chairs for lawn seating. 8pm. S.B. County Courthouse Sunken Gardens, 1100 Anacapa St. Free.

Saturday 8/6
Kiwanis Fiesta Pancake Breakfast More than 4,000 guests will be served at this final Pancake Breakfast. Come celebrate this wonderful event that has been a part of Fiesta for the last 65 years with all proceeds supporting activities that benefit children in south S.B. County. 7am-noon. Alameda Park, 1400 Santa Barbara St. kiwanisclubofsantabarbara.org
Competencia de los Vaqueros (Fiesta Stock Horse Show & Rodeo) Tri-Counties Non-Pro riders compete in amateur Steer Stopping, Team and Tie-Down Roping, and the Open Ranch Horse Class. 7am. Earl Warren Showgrounds, 3400 Calle Real. Free. Call 688-5093. sbfiestarodeo.org
Fiesta Arts & Crafts Show Browse for handmade treasures created by artisans as you stroll along the beautiful beachfront. 10am-7pm. Cabrillo Blvd., west of Stearns Wharf. Free. santabarbaraca.gov
86th Annual Desfile de los Niños (Children’s Parade) Young people of Santa Barbara, their parents, and other parade participants will don traditional costumes and celebrate the rich culture of the area. Ice cream is provided for participants. The parade will go down State St. from Victoria St. to Ortega St. 10am. State St. Free. Call 564-5418.
Courthouse Fiesta Tours Meet in the Mural Room for a guided tour of the Moorish-Spanish building. Tours happen every 30 minutes. 10am-3pm. S.B. County Courthouse, 1100 Anacapa St. Free. Call 962-6464. www.santabarbaracourthouse.org
Picturing Old Spanish Days These works of art celebrate the common joys of our unique culture and highlight our architecture, our dances, our costumes, our food … our Fiesta. There are paintings created from the 1890s to the 1920s and later, more modern takes on our unique hybrid of Spanish, Mexican, and American culture. The exhibit shows through August 28. 10am-5:30pm. Sullivan Goss, An American Gallery, 11 E. Anapamu St. Free. Call 730-1460. sullivangoss.com
Project Fiesta! Building A Complete History of Old Spanish Days This installation will make you fall in love with Fiesta as memories of the festival come to life with personal stories, vintage posters, restored costumes, historical photographs, and artifacts that connect our community and celebrate our traditions. 10am-5pm. S.B. Historical Museum, 136 E. De la Guerra St. Free; donations accepted. Call 966-1601. santabarbaramuseum.com
S.B. Mission Docent Tours Trained docents will lead a special tour of the Queen of the Missions. 10:30am and 2pm. Old Mission S.B., 2201 Laguna St. Free-$12. Call 682-4713.
Our Lady of Guadalupe Mercado Enjoy a wide array of authentic Mexican cuisine and entertainment. 11am-9pm. Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish, 227 N. Nopal St. (corner of Nopal and Montecito sts.). Free.
El Mercado de la Guerra Feast on Spanish and Mexican-American foods, shop for crafts and souvenirs, and enjoy live entertainment, all while strolling through this colorful Mexican market. 11am-11pm. De la Guerra Plaza (across from City Hall). Free.
El Mercado del Norte Enjoy Fiesta foods, souvenirs at the Fiesta Bazaar, rides and attractions at the Fiesta Carnival, and icy cold drinks and live entertainment at the Crazy Horse Cantina. The purchase of a wristband gets you unlimited rides. 11am-11pm. Mackenzie Park, State St. and Las Positas Rd. Admission: Free; wristband: $30.
Fiesta! at Paseo Nuevo Celebrate Old Spanish Days Fiesta with Flamenco dance performances and live music in the heart of this outdoor paseo. Noon-6:45pm. Center Ct., Paseo Nuevo, 651 Paseo Nuevo. Free. paseonuevoshopping.com/event/fiesta
Casa Cantina This annual Mexican-style cantina invites all to relax, sip a cold drink, and celebrate at the home of Fiesta. Noon-midnight. Casa de la Guerra Courtyard, 15 E. De la Guerra St. Free-$10. Ages 21+. Call 965-009. sbthp.org
Crazy Horse Cantina This cantina inside the Mercado features a beer garden with live entertainment and is a favorite gathering spot during Fiesta. 4-10:30pm. El Mercado del Norte, Mackenzie Park, State St. and Las Positas Rd. Free. Ages 21+.
Tardes de Ronda (Afternoon of Gaiety) This afternoon of dances and songs from various Mexican regions features performers ages 16 and younger. 1-5pm. S.B. County Courthouse Sunken Gardens, 1100 Anacapa St. Free.
21st Annual S.B. Mariachi Festival This festival featuring Aida Cuevas, Lila Downs, Mariachi Sol de México, Mariachi Reyna de los Angeles, and Mariachi Nuevo Tecalitlàn will show you the heart and soul of mariachi. 5:30pm. S.B. Bowl, 1122 N. Milpas St. $35-$90. Call 962-7411. sbbowl.com
PRCA Performance: Competencia de los Vaqueros The Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association Rodeo riders of this organization will compete in Bull Riding, Team Roping, Steer Wrestling, and more. 7:30pm. Earl Warren Showgrounds, 3400 Calle Real. $20-$35. Call 688-5093. sbfiestarodeo.org
Las Noches de Ronda (Nights of Gaiety) More than 200 performers will create an evening of dance and song, from flamenco to Mexican folklórico. Bring blankets and chairs for lawn seating. 8pm. S.B. County Courthouse Sunken Gardens, 1100 Anacapa St. Free.

Sunday 8/7
Competencia de los Vaqueros (Fiesta Stock Horse Show & Rodeo) Junior Tri-Counties riders compete in the Reining Class, Team Penning Slack, Open Calf Branding, and Cow Dog Finals. 8am. Earl Warren Showgrounds, 3400 Calle Real. $10-$30. Call 688-5093. sbfiestarodeo.org
Courthouse Fiesta Tours Meet in the Mural Room for a guided tour of the Moorish-Spanish building. Tours happen every hour. 10am-3pm. S.B. County Courthouse, 1100 Anacapa St. Free. Call 962-6464. www.santabarbaracourthouse.org
Picturing Old Spanish Days These works of art celebrate the common joys of our unique culture and highlight our architecture, our dances, our costumes, our food … our Fiesta. There are paintings created from the 1890s to the 1920s and later, more modern takes on our unique hybrid of Spanish, Mexican, and American culture. The exhibit shows through August 28. 10am-5:30pm. Sullivan Goss, An American Gallery, 11 E. Anapamu St. Free. Call 730-1460. sullivangoss.com
Fiesta Arts & Crafts Show Browse for handmade treasures created by artisans as you stroll along the beautiful beachfront. 10am-7pm. Cabrillo Blvd., west of Stearns Wharf. Free. santabarbaraca.gov
Our Lady of Guadalupe Mercado Enjoy a wide array of authentic Mexican cuisine and entertainment. 11am-9pm. Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish, 227 N. Nopal St. (corner of Nopal and Montecito sts.). Free.
Fiesta! at Paseo Nuevo Celebrate Old Spanish Days Fiesta with flamenco dance performances and live music in the heart of this outdoor paseo. Noon-6:45pm. Center Ct., Paseo Nuevo, 651 Paseo Nuevo. Free. paseonuevoshopping.com/event/fiesta
Project Fiesta! Building A Complete History of Old Spanish Days This installation will make you fall in love with Fiesta as memories of the festival come to life with personal stories, vintage posters, restored costumes, historical photographs, and artifacts that connect our community and celebrate our traditions. Noon-5pm. S.B. Historical Museum, 136 E. De la Guerra St. Free; donations accepted. Call 966-1601. santabarbaramuseum.com
S.B. Mission Docent Tours Trained docents will lead a special tour of the Queen of the Missions. 1:30pm. Old Mission S.B., 2201 Laguna St. Free-$12. Call 682-4713.
PRCA Performance: Final Event For the final event of this year’s rodeo riders will compete for awards such as Junior All-Around Awards, Dave Osburn Memorial, and Kay Dent Memorial awards, as well as Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association competitions. 2pm. Earl Warren Showgrounds, 3400 Calle Real. $10-$25. Call 688-5093. sbfiestarodeo.org
West Coast Symphony Orchestra 47th Annual Fiesta Concert Under the direction of conductors Christopher Story VI and Dr. Michael Shasberger, the concert will feature music with a Spanish flair including Rimsky-Korsakov’s Capriccio Espagnol, instrumental selections from Georges Bizet’s opera Carmen, a suite from Pirates of the Caribbean, and the second and third movements of Howard Hanson’s Symphony No. 2, “Romantic,” which will close the concert. Bring snacks and lawn chairs or blankets for lawn seating. 3:30pm. S.B. County Courthouse Sunken Gardens, 1100 Anacapa St. Free. cieloperformingarts.org
Fiesta Finale Gala Wear cocktail attire or your fiesta outfit one last time to enjoy gourmet cuisine and see actors posed to re-create an artwork; musicians and dancers will come to life for a complete, engaging performance. Dance the night away all while raising scholarship funds for the Profant Foundation for the Arts. Be in the open air of beautiful El Paseo to close this wonderful S.B. tradition. 5:30-10pm. El Paseo, 10 El Paseo. $200. Call 682-8184. profant.org