Water-Saving Tip of the Week: Rainwater Harvesting
Come to the Rainwater Harvesting 101 class on Monday, January 23, 6:00-7:30 p.m. at the Watershed Resource Center at Hendry’s (Arroyo Burro) Beach, 2981 Cliff Drive. This is a great way to get an overview of the concepts and possibilities for rainwater harvesting in the soil or tanks. Learn how downspouts can be redirected into the landscape via swales and mulch basins to slow, spread, and sink the water. There is a suggested donation of $10/person or $15/couple to Sweetwater Collaborative. The class will be taught by Sweetwater Collaborative and is sponsored in part by the City of Santa Barbara. For more information, visit sweetwatercollaborative.org.
We invite readers to send us their water-saving strategies to share by emailing WaterSaver@independent.com.