District 4 Candidate Forum at Unitarian Society
Jay Higgins, Kristen Sneddon, and Jim Scafide to Join the Independent’s Tyler Hayden

As Santa Barbarans enter the final month-long stretch of this year’s municipal elections, the Santa Barbara Independent will kick off its City Council Election Series. This evening at 6 p.m. at the Unitarian Society of Santa Barbara (1535 Santa Barbara St.), join District 4 candidates Jay Higgins, Kristen Sneddon, Jim Scafide, and the Independent’s Tyler Hayden in a conversation about the issues. This is the first of a three-part series in each of the up-for-grabs districts.
Part two will be with District 5’s candidates, Eric Friedman and Warner McGrew, on Wednesday, October 4, at the MacKenzie Park Adult Building (corner of State St. and Las Positas Rd.), 6 p.m. The final council candidate forum — with District 6’s Gregg Hart, Jack Ucciferri, and Aaron Solis — takes place next Wednesday, October 11, 6 p.m., at the restaurant Viva (1114 State St.).
A debate between the five mayoral candidates — Angel Martinez, Bendy White, Cathy Murillo, Frank Hotchkiss, and Hal Conklin — will happen at SBCC’s Garvin Theatre, moderated by Independent reporter Nick Welsh and KCRW’s Jonathan Bastian. The 7 p.m. debate on Tuesday, October 17, starts with a 5:30 p.m. reception. Go to kcrw.org/debate to RSVP and hold a seat.
For tickets and more information, visit sbindytickets.com, or watch live on the Indy’s Facebook page.